11 Surefire Beliefs for Superior Customer Experience #custserv #cx
by Kate Nasser | 7 Comments »
Customer Experience Beliefs: 11 to Win Over Customers
If we want our customers to have a superior customer experience, we need to examine our customer experience beliefs. What we think affects what we do. This is true in every aspect of business. With customers, it’s even more important.
11 Surefire Customer Experience Beliefs
- Customers cannot observe our intentions. Treat them well.
- The customer’s voice echoes forever. Of course they talk about us. What they say is actually up to us.
- Persist when you sense potential; shift and innovate when you see futility. Never let frustration with a customer stop you from giving great care and finding a solution!
- Make customer experience easy! Count the number of hoops you ask customers to jump through & you’ll find the places they may jump ship! Leave the hoops for basketball.
- Courtesy and civility do not undo our authenticity. They allow the customers to easily embrace it. Authenticity is not an excuse for being blunt or rude to customers. A smile can change everything.
- A customer’s trust is an invitation for a human bond. Our actions RSVP the truth about our integrity and foretell the customer’s next choice.
- There is a difference between service and servitude. The first you choose; the second you don’t. What choice will you make to deliver superior customer experience?
- A sincere apology is the quickest way to repave the road of customer trust. Waffling, defending, and delay leaves a trail of mistrust.
- Our future is behind every customer. The customer is the heart of our success. Their pulse is our vital sign. It beats for our future. Maintain heart health!
- When we hold resentment in our hearts, we deliver far below our capabilities. Learn objective caring to prevent taking customers’ criticisms personally.
- Choose to trust until there’s proof to mistrust. Check all your processes, procedures, and touch points. Do they communicate trust or mistrust of the customer? Then ask yourselves, if you were the customers, would you feel welcome?
Are your customer experience beliefs serving or sabotaging superior customer experience? Leaders, do you know what your teams think? Sit with them and ask “What are our customer experience beliefs?” You may be pleasantly surprised or jolted by the silence. In either case, this review is a no cost high return step to superior customer experience!
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
Related Post:
5 Powerful Beliefs to Win Over Rude or Angry Customers
Irresistible Customer Experience: What Every Customer Wants
©2012-2014 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email info@katenasser.com for permission and guidelines. Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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Great article Kate, as you know, for me personally my entire success is based on customer service. From over 25 years in the hospitality business I learned the golden rule that the customer is always right, or at least you make them feel as if they are. Over the years I experienced many uncomfortable situations in dealing with that one specific rule, but as long as you stick to it, without loosing self, the customer feels they have been treated fairly.
No matter what route you take to creating that customer bond, and trust every road leads to your second point “The customer’s voice echoes forever”. If a customer is not happy they will never stop mentioning it, as long as your business is open, it could be 25 years down the road and they will still talk about their negative experience.
Having that voice echoing forever in a happy note continuously paves the path to new customers coming to your door. And the best part, if you provide that kind of customer service, you will have happy customers walking new clients right to you and opening the door for them.
And you walk that talk Kimb! You are a model for every graphics designer/artist who transforms their creative talent into business success — for themselves and all the customers.
Kudos and thanks,
A slight rif on number 4 Make the customer experience easy:
“A bad process will beat a good person every time”
Make it easy for your employees to do the right things for your customers, don’t expect them to be heroic super humans, few of them are and even superman makes mistakes
Nice add James. I agree James to the extent that truly difficult (customer unfriendly) processes are a killer for customer experience. Beyond that, I do think that customer service is a profession and it is time to expect and train employees to rise to great levels of service. They can do it! Purely scripted, just press the button, non-thinkers are not the bar we want to set for great customer experiences.
Many thanks for expanding this discussion.
I think the key to excellent customer service is not only to make customers buy our products but it’s how we make customers feel afterward that wins a lifetime customers.
The less congnitave dissonance we leave customers with after the purchase the more likely we ensure his or her repurchase 🙂
Excellent, Kate! I nodded along the whole time but really paused on belief #2…. what the customer says about us is really up to us. Incredibly powerful and changes everything. I’ve never heard someone put that important fact so clearly. I hope it really sinks in to businesses big and small everywhere.
~ Alli
Thank you Alli. It reminds us all, I think, that our words, tone of voice, and actions leave a lasting impression with customers.
They remember moments of how we treat them!