A Customer Service Valentine, the Surprise!
by Kate Nasser | 8 Comments »
Customer Service Valentine
Dear Customers,
Customer service work was not my life’s goal. I did it to make money and pay the bills. Then came the surprise — you served me! So here’s my reflection and valentine to you.
When you yelled, you taught me about your pain and how best to ease it.
When you took forever to decide what you wanted, you taught me patience and that has served me well.
When your views were so different from mine, you taught me about diversity and made me grow.
When you were disagreeable and nasty, you taught me to cherish the true joy in my life.
When you told me your whole story, you expanded my horizon.
When you told me how to deliver better service, you invested in my future.
When you asked to speak with someone else, you made me believe in teamwork.
When you called, you showed me what trust is all about. You could have called another business.
When you called back and also told your friends, you taught me the true meaning of thanks.
I now offer you this valentine of deepest thanks because — you served me. I owe you one!
[©2011 Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ.
If you would like to re-post or re-publish the content of this post, please email info@katenasser.com for permission. Thank you.]
Leaders, what changes do you want to effect? Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach has inspired leaders and staff in countless industries and professions to the heights of customer relations, teamwork, and leading change. Her inspiration and insights transform all those she teaches. Call now to schedule Kate.
Love this! it has the same narrative flow as the Serenity Prayer! So in effect, it is a Customer Service (or as we say in Twitter, #custserv) prayer!
Great as always my friend! Oh, and Happy Valentines Day!
Hi Ty,
Wow .. thanks for comparing my writing to such a classic prayer/poem. I am humbled by the comparison and of course grateful that you liked this valentine to customers.
Kate, Thank you for this great inspirational post. We are all in customer service as a parent, a wife, a community member or a service provider.
Happy Valentine!
Sometimes it’s hard to have such crystal clear clarity when you are reflecting on life’s challenges.
Thank you for this.
You make me smile. I love this valentine’s poem and comparison of yours. And every bit of it is true, but the bigger lesson here I think is the perspective. Not only do you point out, and rightly so, that even if you don’t work in traditional customer facing jobs, you have customers, and they can teach you so much, that just enhances your career and leadership abilities, and expands the opportunities and choices that get placed before you. Making that choice to embrace and learn from the customer experiences, is probably the most powerful lesson and reward of all.
Have a great valentine’s weekend and Day!
Hi Kate –
I agree with Ty – great Customer Service #custserv “prayer” as well as an another great inspirational post!
and of course a very Happy Valentine day my friend!!
Its a beautiful Valentine “Thank You”, leading the way for excellence in Customer Service and Customers’ Satisfaction. Happy Valentine! Great motivator for all customers!