Careers & Jobs

How Foresight and Forethought Create Fortitude | #CareerTips

Foresight and Forethought: Image is a gooseneck desk lamp.

To have more fortitude & resilience for career ups & downs, use foresight and forethought! by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author Leading Morale.

Overworking? Essential & Subconscious Reasons | #Career #SelfAwareness

Overworking: Image is shriveled glove with holes in the fingers resting on the arm of a weathered outdoor chair.

Are you overworking? Know why? List of essential & subconscious reasons from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale

Are You a Curious Risk-Taking Learner? | #Career #LifeLongLearning

Curious Risk-Taking Learner: Image is a bird on a post looking at a hinged ledge protruding out of the post. Image by Geoff Whalan via Flickr.

Do you find career opportunities because you are a curious risk-taking learner? Checklist from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

Prevent Jealousy: See More Than People’s Highlight Reels | #PeopleSkills

Prevent Jealousy: Image is Steven Furtick quote "Don't compare your behind the scenes to someone's highlight reel."

Prevent jealousy by not comparing your daily life to someone’s highlight reel! ~Steven Furtick. Tips from Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale

Leaders: Proving Need Not Stop the Improving #EmployeeDevelopment

Leaders, do your actions drive employees to focus on proving themselves to you or improving their contributions to the organization and its success? Here’s a checklist to assess what culture you have created!

Escape These Communication Traps Without Creating Conflict | #PeopleSkills

Avoid Communication Traps: Image is spider web.

For success in your work and personal life, don’t get trapped in these uncomfortable communication traps. Here’s how to do it without creating conflict along the way. Image by Bradley Huchteman via Flickr Creative Commons License. How to Escape These Communication Traps w/o Creating Conflict In response to a previous blog post I wrote on

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People Skills Firsts That Create Infinite Opportunity w/ People

People Skills Firsts: Image is stone skipping ripples on a lake.

Initiate these people skills firsts to produce infinite business & career opportunities for everyone. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale.

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Transitions the Easier Way: Career & Life | #CareerChange #Inspiration

Stop Naysayers: Image is Kate Nasser quote that who you are gets you there!

Make career transitions easier by watching this 2 min. video w/steps to make your journey less scary and more energized. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

High Maintenance Colleagues: How NOT to Be Annoyed w/ Them #PeopleSkills

High Maintenance Colleagues: Image is pencil broken in two pieces.

How not to be annoyed w/ high maintenance colleagues & employees. by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ Author, Leading Morale | Leadership Teamwork

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Silly Mistakes Bullies Make | #PeopleSkills #WorkplaceBullying #LeadMorale

Silly Mistakes Bullies Make: Image is of a "silly goose" via Flickr.

Bullies’ awareness of silly mistakes they make can help them stop bullying. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale | Trust, Respect, Leadership

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People Skills Balance: Humility & Assertiveness | #PeopleSkills #Leadership

People Skills Balance: Image is rocks balanced on top of each other.

Develop assertiveness & humlity & you will master valuable people skills balance. Tips fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ | Leadership, Leading Morale, Teamwork, Employee Engagement, Career Success

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Team Synergy: How to Contribute Talents w/o Showing Off #Teamwork

Team Synergy: Image is a sign with the word synergy held by a hand.

Team Synergy: How to Share Your Talents Without Showing Off. Tangible tips from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ Author, Leading Morale

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These Moderating People Skills Reduce Fear & Keep Us Balanced | #PeopleSkills

Moderating People Skills: Image is a level.

These specific moderating people skills reduce mistrust / fear & sustain you at work. Tips fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author Leading Morale

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Spontaneous Conversations Open Your Future | #PeopleSkills #Inspiration

Spontaneous Conversations: Image is bright lights in start pattern.

Unplanned interactions & spontaneous conversations open your future in these unforeseen ways, List from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ | Leadership, Teamwork, Career, Leading Morale, Customer Service, Sales

People Skills: Responding to Disrespect With Dignity | #PeopleSkills

People Skills Dignity: Image is a sign saying "Means should correspond to the dignity of the end."

When you must interact amid disrespect, how can you respond w/ dignity? 7 key insights fr The People Skills Coach™. | Leadership | Morale | Career

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