Customer Service Mindset: Be a key link in the chain of success. It’s service not servitude. Best in service insights fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.
Customer Service Mindset: Be a key link in the chain of success. It’s service not servitude. Best in service insights fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.
People skills gifts do not include bluntness. Honesty works, bluntness insults. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author Leading Morale.
Information technology (IT) teams can transform customer experience w/ these steps even w/ high demand. Insights from IT customer service coach Kate Nasser.
CIOS, IT Directors, Managers – If your customers still say you lack customer focus, use these 12 insights to reshape your information technology culture and deliver the ultimate IT customer service.
Super customer service experience is about positive feelings but leaders grouse that they can’t build a business on the randomness of feelings. Well customer feelings are NOT random. Look behind the impact of the customer’s request and you’ll find the pain and then deliver the gain — for them and for you.
Super customer experience is achieved when you think from the customer perspective not from yours. Involve them & win their loyalty. 4 ways to win big.
Conquer listening barriers, esp, the hidden barrier of getting stuck on keywords. 3 steps fr The People Skills Coach™. | Leadership, Customer Service, Teamwork.
Leadership Emotion Radar: Leaders especially analytic & technical ones must remember to honor these employee emotional needs. Fr The People Skills Coach™.
Empathy is so important for business relationships and often missing. Does knowledge & experience dull empathy? Insights fr , The People Skills Coach™.
Our customer experience beliefs guide our actions. Here are 11 to deliver superior customer experience. Tips fr The People Skills Coach™.
Superior customer service doesn’t have debates on whether to say ‘we’re sorry’ to upset customers. It has loads of care. Insights fr The People Skills Coach™.
Leaders/managers: The downside to being process driven may be the downfall of your business. Prevent this threat w/ simple steps fr The People Skills Coach™.
IT Customer Service training teaches empathy to logic based teams. From this you get org. collaboration & cross teamwork between technical and non-technical teams. After 25 years of teaching IT Customer Service to programmers, operations staff and tech support reps, I share in this post some of the keys to doing it. They are very capable of developing great people skills.
Leaders, in your company is customer support everyone’s job? Is everyone doing customer service? I am doing several posts on customer centricity. In this post I interview Vikram Bhaskaran to learn Freshdesk’s vision & lessons learned from flattening the traditional (hierarchical) customer support model.
To hire best customer service tech support agents, add these attitudes and people skills to the job description you advertise! From The People Skills Coach™.