Customer Service Mindset: Key Link in the Chain not Life in Chains | #custserv #LeadMorale

Customer Service Mindset: Image is rope with chain connected.

Customer Service Mindset: Be a key link in the chain of success. It’s service not servitude. Best in service insights fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

People Skills Gifts: Bluntness is Not Included | #PeopleSkills #LeadMorale

People Skills Gifts: Image is quote "Bluntness is not a gift you give others. It's a privilege others may grant you when they trust you."

People skills gifts do not include bluntness. Honesty works, bluntness insults. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author Leading Morale.

Reach Out to Transform Customer Experience in IT | #CIOs #CFOs #CX

Transform Customer Experience; Image is hands over a keyboard.

Information technology (IT) teams can transform customer experience w/ these steps even w/ high demand. Insights from IT customer service coach Kate Nasser.

CIOs Checklist: Are Your IT Teams Truly Customer Focused? | #CX #CustServ

CIOS Checklist: Image is customer satisfaction box

CIOS, IT Directors, Managers – If your customers still say you lack customer focus, use these 12 insights to reshape your information technology culture and deliver the ultimate IT customer service.

Super Customer Experience: Feelings Aren’t Random

See behind the emotion.

Super customer service experience is about positive feelings but leaders grouse that they can’t build a business on the randomness of feelings. Well customer feelings are NOT random. Look behind the impact of the customer’s request and you’ll find the pain and then deliver the gain — for them and for you.

Customer Experience: Loyalty Through Narcissism?

Customer Experience: Image is Box w/ News Flash

Super customer experience is achieved when you think from the customer perspective not from yours. Involve them & win their loyalty. 4 ways to win big.

Conquer Listening Barriers: Unstick from Keywords | #peopleskills

Conquer Listening Barriers: Image is a head blindfolded w/ book attached.

Conquer listening barriers, esp, the hidden barrier of getting stuck on keywords. 3 steps fr The People Skills Coach™. | Leadership, Customer Service, Teamwork.

Leadership Emotion Radar: 12 Employee Emotional Needs to Honor

Leadership Emotion Radar: Image is a grid of lights.

Leadership Emotion Radar: Leaders especially analytic & technical ones must remember to honor these employee emotional needs. Fr The People Skills Coach™.

Does Knowledge & Experience Dull Our Empathy? |#leadership #custserv

Experience Dull Empathy: Image is T-shirt saying You're Stupid.

Empathy is so important for business relationships and often missing. Does knowledge & experience dull empathy? Insights fr , The People Skills Coach™.

11 Surefire Beliefs for Superior Customer Experience #custserv #cx

Customer Experience Beliefs: Image is the neon sign "belief".

Our customer experience beliefs guide our actions. Here are 11 to deliver superior customer experience. Tips fr The People Skills Coach™.

Superior Customer Service: Sorry Doesn’t Mean Guilty! #NCSW14

Superior Customer Service: Image is Balloons w/ Sorry Words Celebrating!

Superior customer service doesn’t have debates on whether to say ‘we’re sorry’ to upset customers. It has loads of care. Insights fr The People Skills Coach™.

Being Process Driven Squeezes People Out #management #peopleskills

Being Process Driven: Image is a pastry bag creating identical cookies.

Leaders/managers: The downside to being process driven may be the downfall of your business. Prevent this threat w/ simple steps fr The People Skills Coach™.

IT Customer Service Training: Logic to Empathy #CIO #ITIL

IT Customer Service Training: Image is stick figures working together.

IT Customer Service training teaches empathy to logic based teams. From this you get org. collaboration & cross teamwork between technical and non-technical teams. After 25 years of teaching IT Customer Service to programmers, operations staff and tech support reps, I share in this post some of the keys to doing it. They are very capable of developing great people skills.

Customer Support: Is It Actually Everyone’s Job? #Custserv

Customer Support: Image is the words themselves.

Leaders, in your company is customer support everyone’s job? Is everyone doing customer service? I am doing several posts on customer centricity. In this post I interview Vikram Bhaskaran to learn Freshdesk’s vision & lessons learned from flattening the traditional (hierarchical) customer support model.

Customer Service Tech Support Leaders: The True #PeopleSkills Job

Customer Service Tech Support: Image is words Need Help?

To hire best customer service tech support agents, add these attitudes and people skills to the job description you advertise! From The People Skills Coach™.

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