Change Leadership Beliefs or You’ll Change Nothing #peopleskills
by Kate Nasser | 4 Comments »
Change Leadership Beliefs: The Ones That Stop Change & Growth
Change starts in the mind. Beliefs can drive it or block it. When change is your goal, change leadership beliefs or you’ll change nothing.
Change Leadership Beliefs: Especially These Three
- If you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist. This belief, valuable in scientific research, is often misapplied to the business world. When you demand data to prove in advance that the change will work, little will change. In business, very little is absolute and perfect. Replace leadership beliefs which demand a guarantee with insights on how to minimize risks.
- We can’t inspire people to do non-status jobs better. Story: A leader asked me to help him address the issue of performance of the customer service teams. I assured him that I could inspire and train the team members to deliver professional quality customer service. When he replied, “Well, I don’t think anyone would ever consider customer service a profession — I certainly wouldn’t”, he revealed a big part of the problem — his beliefs. If the leaders don’t believe change is possible why should the teams?
Teams can sense how a leader views them and their jobs. Change leadership beliefs to inspire excellent performance. Leaders who inspire pride and commitment, foster a culture of excellence.
- There is no I in team. This old chestnut worked well when good leadership was defined as command and control and most workers were Baby Boomers or the WWII Silent Generation who raised them. Life was about sacrifice and duty. Today, to inspire employees to engage and create change, recognize and appreciate individual talents that unite for great results.
Change leadership beliefs about teamwork and you ignite greatness in the teams you lead.
Leaders, How to Get Started to Change Leadership Beliefs
- With your teams, outline and discuss the change needed.
- Have the teams create a list of the beliefs they think you have that help or hinder the change.
- While they do that, write down the beliefs you hold about the change.
As you compare your list to theirs, a road map to change leadership beliefs will emerge. This simple exercise has helped countless leaders create change. It also increases employee engagement and openness between leaders and teams.
Your Turn: What other leadership beliefs must change to spur change & growth in business today?
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
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Are Your Leadership Beliefs Killing Teamwork & Collaboration?
Leading Change: Is the Beloved Bully Stopping You?
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Leaders, Are You Needlessly Sacrificing Great Results?
©2014 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email for permission and guidelines. Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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Engage in people skills learning! Let’s turn interaction obstacles into business success in leadership, teamwork, and customer service experience. I invite your questions, share my experience, and welcome your wisdom.
Love this simple and powerful post Kate. Beliefs shape so much of what we do and how we lead. Getting them into the open and building beliefs together, with intention, can and will definitely impact team joy and success. Thanks!
Thank you Scott! Beliefs are powerful and as you say, building them together with intention pays off.
Warmest wishes of thanks for your contribution here,
LOVED this post Kate.
I like your take on “If you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist”.
I’m in a real struggle with my IT management in this. They are looking after reducing the number of incidents users raise and the time it takes us to respond but never thought of the people quality of interactions. If you can’t measure how people accept me and trust me to solve their incidents it doesn’t mean my support is better than others though my time to solve incidents is less 🙂
You always contribute so much to these posts Khalid w/ your everyday examples of how the points come to life at work.
Many thanks!!