Connected Leadership: Learn These Things About Those You Lead | #LeadMorale

To lead morale and success, use connected leadership. What is it? Simply put, it’s the actions you take as leaders, managers, supervisors, and team leaders, to learn about those you lead. To engage them, inspire them, manage them and lead them, learn the following things about them!

Connected Leadership: Image is a geodeome.

Connected Leadership: Learn These Things About Those You Lead. Image via Flickr Creative Commons License.

Image by mwms1916 via Flickr Creative Commons License.

Connected Leadership: Learn These 6 Things About Those You Lead

When new team members join your team, get to know them and give them a chance to get to know all of you. This is common sense. Yet what leaders and managers don’t always do, is learn these specific things about all those they lead.

    Find Out How They …

  1. Learn. Are they visual, auditory, or written learners? When you are explaining new challenges, use methods that connect to how they learn and absorb.

  2. Handle stress. Some start talking it out. Others go quiet and reflect. Still others ask lots of questions. Learn about how your employees handle stress and you can lead morale and success.

  3. Define leadership and management. What do they want and need from you? Without knowing this, you cannot lead, manage, and lead morale.

  4. Behave in a true crisis. To do this, find out what makes them feel secure. Most people in a crisis will show some fear and then will start to create their own security. When you know this, you can lead them through a crisis.

  5. Act when leadership and management disappear. There may be times when leaders and managers are not around. Do certain people “take over?” Or do they all start to collaborate? You and the employees need to know how they behave in those situations. It prevents resentments between team members and preserves great teamwork.

Connected Leadership: One More Thing to Learn!

One more thing you as leaders and managers must learn about those you lead and manage — #6: their personality types. It affects how they work with you and others and how you work with them. Here is a quick guide to get you started: Profitable Personality Type Info for Leadership and Team Success.

As a leader or manager, what did you learn about those you lead that was truly helpful?

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.

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2 Responses to “Connected Leadership: Learn These Things About Those You Lead | #LeadMorale”

  1. Randy Clark says:

    Excellent points especially #1. How many times have most of us trained others in our learning style and not the trainees? I’d add learn their communication preferences as well. As usual great post.

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