Customer Experience Delivery: Prepare Privately | #cx #custserv
by Kate Nasser | 1 Comment »
Customer Experience Delivery: Prepare in Private
Have your customers heard you discussing your sales and customer experience delivery strategy? Do you want them to? The following examples illustrate the risk.
Customer Experience Delivery: Prepare & Discuss Privately
- In a large beauty and cosmetics store, a sales associate was helping customer find a product she wanted. She then suggested an additional product that complemented the first. The customer said yes to both products. The sales associate’s manager walked up to them and said out loud to sales associate, “good up-selling.” Yikes! This is not the time to applaud upselling.
Sales and customer experience delivery should be discussed privately. Telling the customer they’ve just been up-sold makes your brand seem manipulative.
- In a general contractor’s remodeling showroom, the manager and three reps were having a meeting on customer experience delivery. Customers were around. The manager said, “don’t give in too much to customers on price. Be stronger.” Yikes! Customers were hearing them.
Be aware. Showrooms are customer zones. Have your strategy meetings before opening or behind the scenes. Discuss strategy in private. Similarly don’t discuss what you think of customers in front of other customers. It drives customers away as they hear what you think of customers, their spending, and their behavior.
- In an Italian grill restaurant with a bar, the bartender called all the servers over to discuss wine service. A few customers were already seated at nearby tables. The bartender said, “If customers ask for a Chardonnay, steer them toward these other white wines because we don’t have Chardonnay. For wines by the glass, don’t offer a sample taste unless they ask for it. Yikes! This isn’t a great customer experience delivery strategy. It’s also not something you want customers to hear. Prepare for dinner service behind the scenes.
Discuss customer experience delivery in private. This applies to retail, to restaurants, to hospitals and healthcare waiting rooms, to professional offices, and to all common spaces like airplanes. It applies also to open design contact centers where customers can hear what other telephone reps are saying.
Take a lesson from Disney! They onboard their employees in private. They even constructed underground tunnels so employees can arrive in character to their designated area. Customers don’t see a character from Frontierland showing up in Adventureland.
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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I invite your questions, welcome your wisdom, and look forward to working with you.
~Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
[…] Prepare for customer experience delivery privately, not in front of customers. […]