Customer Service Leaders: Remove These Morale Killers | #Leadership
by Kate Nasser | 4 Comments »
Customer Service Leaders: Remove These Common Morale Killers
Customer service is an emotionally demanding profession. It requires endless patience and caring. Employee morale is critical to sustaining customer service excellence and an outstanding attitude. Customer service leaders, start by removing the following morale killers!
Customer Service Leaders: Remove These 9 Morale Killers!
- Metric only focus. Metrics are important yet they do not create great service. They measure great service that people create. Lead people not metrics.
- Disdainful remarks born of your frustration. As pressure mounts on you for better team performance, you may be tempted to slam your team members. This kills morale and performance. Customer service leaders: Inspire don’t inflame.
- Not addressing poor performance and bad attitudes. When one team member is always late, takes long lunches, does the minimum required, it affects morale and performance of the whole team. When you as customer service leader, don’t address it, you kill morale.
- Highlighting mistakes but not successes. When people work in a pressure cooker, they need uplift to stay enthused. If you say only the negatives, you kill morale. Celebrate their talents and help them grow from mistakes.
- No empowerment. In many traditional call centers, employees were treated like rats in a maze that weren’t allowed to move around! Routine repetitive jobs where people can’t learn, grow, and contribute more of who they truly are kill morale. Customer service leaders, tap the talent you hired.
- Attila the Hun supervisors and team leaders. The direct leadership of customer service teams have a tremendous impact on morale. Higher level leaders and officious supervisors/team leaders they put in place crush morale. These supervisors and team leaders need training in how to lead customer service teams for great morale and performance. I can help you with that.
- Bad mouthing customers. Leaders mistakenly think that bad mouthing customers to team members will make team members feel better. This temporary boost actually kills the morale needed to stay positive and sustain customer service excellence. Empathize with team member challenges don’t encourage a hate the customer mentality.
- Assigning blame but taking credit. Customer service leaders who take credit for the success of the team yet blame the team when things go wrong kill morale. It’s that simple.
- Ego driven leadership. If you make daily work all about what you need, what you want, and your talents, you kill morale. Customer service professionals are giving of themselves and caring about customers eight hours a day. If they have to stroke your ego for those same eight hours, their commitment and morale crumbles. Customer service leaders, leave your pet peeves at home and serve the staff who serve the customers.
Customer service leaders you must care about and lead morale if you want your employees to care about your customers. I am writing a book about leading morale with far more detail and helpful tips. Email me if you want to be on the advance notice list!
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
Related Posts:
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7 Ego Actions That Stifle Leadership, Teamwork, & Service
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©2016 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email for permission and guidelines. Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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Let’s turn interaction obstacles into business success in leadership, teamwork, and customer service experience.
I invite your questions, welcome your wisdom, and look forward to working with you.
~Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
[…] Customer service leaders, are you unknowingly killing employee morale? Checklist from The People Skills Coach™ & remove these morale killers. […]
[…] Customer service leaders, are you unknowingly killing employee morale? Checklist from The People Skills Coach™ & remove these morale killers. | Leadership […]
Hi Kate,
This is awesome advice for us call center professionals! Although I’m not in charge of management here, I’ve just shared it with our COO 🙂 Many good points.
I’m afraid we’re guilty of focusing mostly on metrics like resolution time, reply time, tickets solved per shift, etc. And unfortunately the call center business is very metric driven, but I like the way you think Kate!
Shared on Twitter as well, keep putting out good content!
Jack P
Hi Jack,
I am honored by and grateful for your feedback. We don’t have to throw away metrics. We must remember to inspire people to perform and then measure. Metrics don’t create great service. They measure great service that you create!
Best wishes,