Customer Value Beyond the Dollar! #sales #custserv

Customer Value: 6 Amazing Things Customers Do!

Customer Value: Image is Gold Gift Box

Customer Value Beyond the Dollar Image via

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We often think of the value we provide to customers. Now as I celebrate my 25th year as an entrepreneur, I am reflecting on the value customers bring to my business. It is far beyond the dollar!

Leaders, it pays to both reflect on this AND develop this awareness with your employees. Many who are not directly generating revenue, think about their own hard work not the customers’ world. They often don’t see the customers’ contributions beyond the dollar and the true customer value.

Customer Value Beyond the Dollar

Employees often feel the strain of meeting customers’ expectations. This clouds the view of customer value. Let’s clear the fog and look at the amazing things customers do — so we can see the true customer value!

  1. They give trust.

    Customers have a need. They must reach out to fill it. They courageously overcome doubts and place their and confidence in a company. How valuable is trust? Amazingly valuable. Witness the companies who claim they are they are the most trusted brand in their industry, their country, or the world?

  2. They generate trust.

    The number one challenge is to earn a customer’s trust. The customers that get others to trust us are building the business. This is true customer value. Honor their trust.

  3. They spark innovation.

    Customers changing needs and high expectations spur development. They evolve a brand through their demands. They keep the business alive. This is true customer value! Feed them in return.

  4. They teach.

    Consumers are a wealth of knowledge about people and business customers teach suppliers about their industry. Knowledge is the gift that keeps on giving. This is true customer value. Thank them for the learning.

  5. They blow our horn.

    They proclaim our value. This is true customer value. Honor our trumpeters.

  6. They offer limitless potential.

    Customers are a gold mine of opportunities, connections, partnerships, and growth. This is true customer value. Mine for this gold.

What would you add to this customer value list?

It’s important. An understanding of true customer value inspires employees far better than the tired old adage: “The customer’s always right.” It replaces the one-sided picture with a dynamic partnership between customers and the company.

Thank you, my customers, for all the value you’ve given to my business over the past 25 years. I continue to serve you for many many years to come!

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™

Related Post:
Customer Service 21 Tips: Customers Want it Easy & Valuable

©2013 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.

Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results. Kate also invites you to connect with her on Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter. She welcomes your interaction!

2 Responses to “Customer Value Beyond the Dollar! #sales #custserv”

  1. Khalid says:

    Congratulation Kate.

    You are worth having business with! Your customers are lucky to have such knowledgable person.


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