Defensive Responses That Tell Customers They Don’t Matter #CX #PeopleSkills
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When customers point out your customer service flaws, your defensive responses can drive customers away. Defensive responses tell customers that their needs and opinions don’t matter. In other words, they don’t matter! Here are some of the most common harmful ones to stop using.

Defensive Reactions That Tell Customers They Don’t Matter. Image by Jeremy Wheaton via Flickr Creative Commons License.
Defensive Responses That Tell Customers They Don’t Matter
Review this list of defensive responses and make sure you don’t say them to customers! Also, leaders and managers find this list helpful in coaching employees.
“It’s not my fault.” When you say this to an upset customer, they hear you talking about yourself. To them, at this moment, it means that they don’t matter.
“All (or lots) of our customers like our service.” In other words, the customers who think the service is great, matter. That tells the complaining customers they don’t matter.
“I’m sorry but … Give an unconditional apology — without the but — to let the customers know they matter. The but nullifies the customers.
“You should have …” blames the customer for the trouble they are having. This tells them that they need to be perfect to get great service. In other words, the way they are right now is not OK. In other words, they don’t matter.
“I am tired and overworked.” Once again, you are talking about you. You are at work and the customers need your help. Focus on them to let them know they matter!
Listen & Learn: Don’t Be Defensive
Learn to hear customer feedback as free learning. You will learn so much about people, yourself, and business success. They will be thrilled that you are listening without being defensive. Listening is one of the most powerful ways of telling customers that they matter!
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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