Disrespectful Behaviors That Ruin Leadership, Teamwork & Customer Experience
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When you think of disrespectful behaviors you often come up with the same ones over and over. Yet that doesn’t lessen the impact of those behaviors on others. When people disrespect others it has tangible long-term effects.
Now consider what happens when those disrespectful behaviors are in a work setting. What happens to leaders who disrespect those they lead? What does lack of respect for teammates do to teamwork? How do customers or patients react when they are the targets of disrespect? Well here is a list of these damaging behaviors and what they really do!
Disrespectful Behaviors That Ruin Everything
The following list of disrespectful behaviors may seem humdrum and old hat. It isn’t. Every human being reacts negatively to disrespect and that alone makes this as current and valuable today as it has ever been.
Not listening. It’s #1 on the list because not listening tells others you don’t care. It’s the equivalent of saying stop talking (even if you don’t use those words or worse ones.) When leaders don’t listen, those they lead stop caring about the work. When teammates stop listening to each other, they can’t get the job done. The times when businesses stop listening to customers they go elsewhere. And when healthcare workers stop listening to patients and those advocating for them, the patients and advocates go out and tell the world so others won’t suffer.
Manipulating. Who likes being played for a fool? Nobody I know. When you manipulate others and they realize it, it’s likely they will never trust you again. Ponder the impact of that on leadership, teamwork, business, and patient care!
Cheating/lying. Taking credit for other’s work is a form of cheating. Those who do it don’t see it that way. Yet who do they think they’re fooling? It is cheating and it paints them in the worst light. The impact can last for years and years.
Acting superior. This disrespectful action creates more resentment that you might think. In it’s most extreme case, it can cause people to actually rise up against you and bring you down. Humility is a far more powerful approach to living and it doesn’t create enemies.
Insults. Words matter. Racist slurs, sexist remarks, degrading comments about people’s appearance, etc… all leave lasting scars that ruin future interaction. Even trivializing someone’s feelings is insulting. It will also make you look like a boorish oaf or worse. Develop emotional intelligence to avoid insulting others.
Who do you think you’re fooling?
Disrespectful Words Create Lasting Trouble
Main Message Here About Disrespectful Behaviors
If you are a leader, a team member, a business owner, a front line worker in customer service, or a healthcare professional, be very aware of how you come across to others. Also, use this checklist of disrespectful behaviors with your entire organization to help everyone learn how they may be creating trouble that doesn’t need to happen. Replace these troublesome disrespectful behaviors with respectful behaviors that build trust and appreciation.
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
Related Posts:
16 Moments When People Are Most Likely to Disrespect Others and How to Avoid It
Rediscover Respect: The Hugely Underused Emotion
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©2021 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email info@katenasser.com for permission and guidelines. Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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