Easy to Use Crises Empathy | #PeopleSkills #cctr #custserv
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In emergencies, all service professionals need some crises empathy skills. Those you serve — customers, patients, employees, or teammates — need your empathy during crises. How good are you at showing empathy in these moments? Here are some easy to use insights that will help you and them!
Use These Five Crises Empathy Insights to Ease the Way
Before we get started with this list, remember that empathy is understanding and sharing the feelings of others. Be curious and learn.
Want to / Can do attitude. So often I hear people say, I am just not an empathetic person. Well if you keep telling yourself that, you won’t be!
Identify the fears blocking your empathy. In any crisis moment, how do you feel? What fears may be stopping you from showing empathy to those you serve? Learn your reactions so you can put them aside and understand others.
Listen with curiosity not with logic. If you are an analytic personality type, you may try to use logic to understand other’s feelings and behaviors during crises. Yet that rarely works. In fact, it may make you very un-empathetic. You may end up judging them as illogical. Remember, feelings don’t have to make sense.
Expect unexplainable behavior. Crises change how people behave. Whether it’s their fear or their reactions to it, their behaviors may seem odd to you. Embrace this as normal crises behavior. Don’t make fun of it nor criticize it. Empathize with the humanity of it and they will be very grateful. Example: “Yes, these are tough times. I am here to help.”
Replace the desire to control with the trust-building power of empathy. Empathy builds trust very quickly. When someone feels that you get what their going through, they yield and let you help them.
EXAMPLE: As the COVID crisis unfolded, a physical therapist felt frazzled as each patient asked: “Did you disinfect the table and wash your hands after the last patient?” When I got there she asked me: “They know I am a professional, why is everyone asking me that!!” I told her that their remarks have nothing to do with her. They are afraid of COVID, not of her. Don’t use logic. Show crises empathy. Tell them you understand their concern and that you are taking extra measures to protect them and you.
Capture the Trust!
To develop and share your crises empathy, be caring and curious. It opens your mind, shows you what others are feeling, and connects with them.
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
Related Posts:
9 Hidden Places to Find Your Empathy
Empathy: Do We Give It or Project Our Own Needs?
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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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