Embrace Change w/ These Remarkable Leadership Traits & People Skills

Instead of fearing and resisting change, embrace change by developing and tapping these remarkable traits and skills. Use this checklist from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ for your personal and professional growth.

Embrace Change: Image is vivid colored flower w/ many inside petals.

Embrace Change w/ These Remarkable Traits & Skills. Image by Wolfnowl via Flickr.

Image by Wolfnowl via Flickr Creative Commons License.

Embrace Change by Tapping These Remarkable Traits & Skills

Although many people dislike change, you can embrace change when you develop these remarkable traits and skills. Let this list guide your personal and professional growth!

    Embrace Change by Developing These Remarkable Traits

  1. The “self” traits. Self-awareness, self-love, self-respect, and self-confidence give you the courage to embrace change. You don’t have to cling to whatever makes you feel good right now. You know yourself well enough to move ahead.

  2. Generosity. Are your surprised to see this on the list? Don’t be. A generous person gives to others and changes lives. You overcome fear and get out of your comfort zone as you help others. As you take these positive risks with and for others, you develop your ability to take risks and embrace change in your own life.

  3. Tolerance for ambiguity. Most people feel the best when they can see and understand what’s happening. It makes them feel in control, safe, and comfortable. When situations are more ambiguous, they do very little or stop completely. Develop your tolerance for ambiguity so you can keep moving forward — however slowly — to embrace change. The fog clears as you proceed!

  4. Curiosity. Curious people see change coming long before others. It can give you a sense of calm assurance as you eliminate the surprise. This foresight makes it easier to embrace change.

  5. Proactive. To put it simply, if you are always preparing for the future, sudden changes won’t seem so scary. When you are always learning, you can feel more ready to handle anything.

  6. Vision. When people first sense change is coming, many experience a form of the fight or flight response. It takes over their minds. However, people who practice “visioning” override the fight or flight response with thoughts of possibilities. They reflect on what the change might look like and how it will be better.

  7. Embrace Change Especially w/ These Two Essential Traits

  8. Courage. Do something every day to build your “courage” muscles. It doesn’t have to include physical danger. Change one small habit in your life and deal with the result. Not only will you reap many positive results, you will also develop the courage to deal with failures and disappointments.

  9. Optimism/Resilience. Underlying all of the above, is a basic sense of optimism. Optimism keeps you looking to the future; courage gets you there.

… And Also Develop These Remarkable People Skills to Embrace Change

  1. Networking. Being with others can buoy your confidence and courage. Choose wisely. You will need some positive people in that group to help you stay afloat.

  2. Communicating. Ask questions about the impending change. Listen to what others know and envision. Share yours. You will inspire each other.

  3. Sharing your strengths. It takes only one match to light a candle of hope for everyone.

  4. Collaborating. Discuss what is possible. Talk about how you can eliminate obstacles to the change.

  5. Leading. Offer to lead part of the change. It helps others and it strengthens your sense of control and confidence. As the old saying goes, “When you feel bad, get busy for others.”

  6. Empathizing. Empathy is the connection before the solution. It says, “You matter, we matter, this matters. So let’s join together and move ahead.”

  7. Sharing your stories and listening to others. Discuss how past changes, you each feared, that are now your norm and comfort zone. It inspires everyone to embrace change.

  8. Lightening things up. Who doesn’t like to have fun and feel good? Introduce innovation games that lighten things up and explore what’s possible.

Embrace Change – Main Message

The truth is that change is constant. It will happen even if you deny and resist. So develop your ability to embrace change and you will come through it with greater confidence. In fact, you will be able to revel in the results because you helped create them.

What traits & skills would you add to this list to better embrace change?

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

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©2019 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email info@katenasser.com for permission and guidelines. Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.

Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.

Get more inspiration and actionable tips for high engagement results!

Buy Kate Nasser’s new book Leading Morale (Amazon.com).

8 Responses to “Embrace Change w/ These Remarkable Leadership Traits & People Skills”

  1. Larry says:

    A wonderful Guide. Thank you Kate.

  2. Terri Klass says:

    Terrific list Kate! I would just add that a mindset shift can be so helpful in times of change. I have found that when I remain open to looking at the change in a familiar and more comfortable way I am more able to embrace it. Change can be scary so we need to think of ways it reminds us of actions we have already successfully overcome.

  3. Alli Polin says:

    You’ve got it! It’s calling on a combination of our skills and traits to embrace change. In one of my certification programs, I learned that change happens through relationships, not in isolation. That’s the heart of People Skills, using all of the things that you’ve outlined here to positively connect with others.
    Will share!

    • Kate Nasser says:

      Hi Alli, You’ve made a very interesting statement … that change happens through relationships not in isolation. Never thought of it quite that way and yet I think you are absolutely on target. Even for people who are quieter, even being around others and seeing others, can create change in the moment, in others, and in themselves.

      Many thanks for expanding the discussion this way,

  4. Wonderful post.
    Thank you Kate.

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