Horrible Customer Experience & Patient Experience: Constant Causes | #CX

You might believe that horrible customer experience and horrible patient experience come from an infinite number of causes. This makes some leaders and managers believe that it is terribly difficult to deliver an outstanding experience. Yet there are some constant — seemingly never-ending — causes of horrible customer experience that you can fix and thus eliminate.

Horrible Customer Experience & Patient Experience. Image is hands tied at wrist.

Horrible Customer Experience & Patient Experience: Constant Causes. Image via Flickr public domain license.

Image via Flickr Public Domain Dedication.

Constant Causes of Horrible Customer Experience & Patient Experience

The constant causes of horrible customer experience have a common theme. That common theme is inflexibility that ties the hands of those working with customers and patients.

Constant Causes

  1. Policies and rules that impede your employees’ time and ability to listen and build rapport with customers or patients. Listening is one of the most powerful rapport builders. Block that and you will likely have horrible customer experience. The Fix: Review and amend policies and rules that focus on working fast to handle more customers and patients.

  2. Expecting complete agreement and obedience from customers or patients. Picture this in your mind. How would you feel if front-line customer agents or nurses and doctors came across as dictators? The Fix: Collaborate don’t dictate.

  3. Employees with minimal knowledge reading scripts to customers or doing initial questioning of patients. This common cause has a huge impact on customers and patients. Their stress increases and the horrible experience begins. The Fix: Educate employees and increase their knowledge. Use AI to speed this along.


Eliminate these common and constant causes of awful customer/patient experience. Reverse the trend about focusing mostly on cost and speed. Customers come back to positive experiences. Patients are more compliant with medical advice when you have collaborated with them instead of pushing them around.

Tell your story of horrible or outstanding customer or patient experience in the comments section below!

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.

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