People Truths to Increase Business Success | #PeopleSkills
by Kate Nasser | 4 Comments »
It’s never too late to focus on the people truths that will increase your business success. Many people claim they aren’t good with people. They even think it’s something they cannot learn. Well the good news is you can learn people skills and it’s worth it. They widen your opportunities and increase your success.
Increase Success w/ These Constant People Truths
People seek and protect their dignity. Connect with others through dignity not through dominating and conquering. It will increase your success.
Civility doesn’t weaken your message. It helps others hear it. Always be civil. You will have more influence that way.
Humans respond to kindness. People welcome you back for more kindness and give you kindness as well.
Bridges connect you to success. Walls block it. Always build bridges not walls.
Collaboration expands everyone’s greatness without diminishing anyone. Constantly collaborate.
See each person as an individual. Generalities and assumptions insult people and detour your success.
Bluntness leaves scars. Be honest with care not blunt & brutish.
Honor people as well as your message. In other words, reach ’em don’t preach ’em. It will increase success.
Rise above your pet peeves. It shows that you care about others. You increase success when you escape the trap of your own comfort and focus on people truths.
Be confident in your knowledge and humble in sharing it. It prevents arrogance and selfishness. Confidence and humility CAN co-exist.
Don’t confuse objectivity for being detached and cold. You can be objective and still deliver your insights with emotional intelligence. This will increase your success. Stepping back too far makes you out-of-touch.
Be accountable. It will definitely increase your success. If you sidestep accountability and give conditional apologies, people will mistrust and resent you.
Talk with people not at people. If you talk too much and rarely listen, you will drive people away.
Never bully or shame people. Bullying and shaming others shows your cruel nature. Give the love inside of you and you’ll always have a home in the hearts of others. This builds tremendous trust.
Increase Success Through Care for Others
Key Message About Constant People Truths
When you live these constant people truths, you tap into opportunities you never saw or had before. Improve your people skills to increase success.
What constant people truths would you add to this list to increase success?
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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These people skills truths not only apply in customer service and leadership but in life. Parents, friends, teammates on a sports team, you name it. I especially appreciate “humans respond to kindness” as it’s too often forgotten how much of an impact kindness can make – it’s not weakness. I’m also reminded of what I learned from Arbinger that ties in well with your insights here. Any behavior, hard or soft, can be done with a heart at peace or a heart at war. Our way of being when we deliver what we have to say matters as much as what we say.
Will share, Kate!
Hi Alli,
Your insights always expand the views on human topics. We both will continue to sing out the message that kindness isn’t weakness.
Many thanks for the Arbinger quote about a heart at peace or at war. Spot on.
Good leaders create an environment where people “feel Seen”. Not just listened to, not just heard, but truly seen as a human being by their leader. As a coach and OD consultant, the two most frequent comments I have heard over the years, are “I don’t feel seen, by my manager” and expressing the notion of “impostor syndrome”.So develop the interest, curiosity, the heart to “see” your colleagues and directs and communicate that you “see” them. We can create an environment where people are recognized for their insights, and recognize this notion of “imposter syndrome” and help people feel recognized and empowered to contribute their talents at every level of an organization.
Hi Yvonne,
From one OD consultant to another, “well said!”
Thanks for adding to this discussion.