Indulgent Customer Experience: Are You Ready to Frolic? | #CX
by Kate Nasser | 4 Comments »
When you hear the phrase indulgent customer experience, what is your gut reaction? How does the word indulgent make you feel? Do you picture frolicking in fun and reveling in pleasure? Now for the key question: Does your response depend on whether you are the customer or the seller / service provider?
Indulgent Customer Experience: Feel Joy in Creating It
If, as a service provider, your initial reaction to the phrase indulgent customer experience is negative, ask yourselves why? When you are the customers, you would love it. Who doesn’t like to indulge, right? So how can you be as excited to indulge the customers as you would to have others indulge you?
Are You Ready to Create Indulgent Customer Experience?
What’s in it for your brand? Memorable experiences for your customers that keep them coming back. So often businesses try to create an experience based on what they want their brand to be. That can work for awhile.
Yet to keep customers coming back, touch their hearts by indulging their …
Do a survey of your current customers and ask them about their whims! What is something they would suddenly love to experience? Whims are full of revelry and joy. If you are going to offer them something special for being a customer, let it meet their whim! They will remember the joy you created. You get the excitement of creating this joy and a wealth of information for future products and services you can sell.
Pet Peeves
In the daily grind of life, many nitty gritty things get under your customers skin. Waiting in line, stuck in a phone queue, completing confusing forms, mistakes in what you delivered vs. what they ordered, are but a few of the annoyances you can remove by indulging their pet peeves. Here are 24 Tips to Make Customer Experience Easy & Memorable.
Most people have unique preferences. Routine customer service often declares these as odd and annoying. Instead of labeling them as peculiarities, see them as opportunities to create indulgent customer experience. Honoring each customer’s uniqueness builds bonds that last a lifetime. How you package the customer’s purchase, how you cook their food, how you check them into a hotel, how you do their hair, how you handle their special requests can indulge the customer or turn them away.
One of my online customer experience colleagues, Bill Quiseng, says:
“To earn new customers don’t try to get inside their heads. Get inside their hearts. Create an emotional connection.” ~Bill Quiseng. I echo his advice and extend that to current customers as well.
Instead of seeing whims as childish, see them as joy waiting to happen. Rather than seeing a customer’s pet peeves as obstacles to your success, indulge them to remove the obstacles to their joy. Instead of viewing their unique preferences and habits as peculiar and weird, see them as a revealing look into how to please them.
Indulgent customer experience doesn’t turn you into a lowly servant. It elevates you to the venerable status of creating fun, frolic, and yes, even joy.
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
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©2017 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email for permission and guidelines. Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
I smile just thinking about a company caring about my whims as a customer. I also think that there is a line between frivolity and frivolous. Your suggestions help organizations tap into their customer’s joy – love it and hope it’s a philosophy that’s adopted far and wide.
PS. Great video!
Spot on Alli. There is a line between frivolity and frivolous. Many confuse the two. Thx so much for adding to the dimensions of this post.
Smiling as I read this Kate – When a service provider taps into my joy, I become a raving fan customer that will PR the heck out of that experience. Businesses that generate that kind of loyalty will lead their competitors by miles…
Thanks Chery! Love the words you use … “raving fan” and “PR the heck of that experience.” I can feel the smile on your face.