Irresistible Customer Experience: What Every Customer Wants #CX
by Kate Nasser | 9 Comments »
Irresistible Customer Experience: The Core Truth
It is not the tough unachievable summit many leaders and teams picture. There are things that every customer wants to hear and wants to experience.
Irresistible Customer Experience: What Everyone Wants
The experience …
- Is pleasurable.
- Makes us feel wanted.
- Puts us in a positive light.
- Gives us something we really want.
- Surprises us with something positive we didn’t even know we wanted.
- Gets better and better each time.
- Reawakens pleasant feelings we had before.
- Prevents or relieves difficulty or pain.
- Elevates us in some way.
An Irresistible Customer Experience Doesn’t
- Inflict pain.
- Confuse.
- Demean.
- Manipulate.
- Ignore.
- Require anger for action.
What customers want to hear …
- Welcome. We’re happy you’re here.
- Thank you for being our customer.
- You’re the reason we exist.
- We like serving you.
- We respect your choices.
- We’re glad you’re back.
- We’re listening.
- We work hard so you won’t have to.
- You’re worth it.
- We’re sorry you’re having trouble. Let us fix it!
- We will make this easy for you.
A Probing Question
Marketing folks capture this core truth of irresistible customer experience in company tag lines they write. So why do so many companies with great tag lines struggle with delivering on it?
Because they make the simple truth complicated!
- They don’t believe that customer experience is critical to financial success. Yet the simple truth is, customers leave when the experience they have with your company is mediocre or bad.
- They mistrust customers and thus hedge on giving. A top-notch customer experience becomes unattainable.
- They mistrust employees and thus don’t empower them. Say goodbye to irresistible customer experience and therefore to customers.
- They become metric-centric instead of customer-centric. Customers never list great metrics as key to customer experience they want!
- They believe that only small companies can deliver a top-notch customer experience every time. They think that scaling up makes wowing the customer impossible. This belief blocks the possibility. If you can’t envision it, it won’t happen.
However, when we remember the core truth of what every customer wants, we are well on the way to delivering a customer experience no one can resist.
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
Related Posts:
Customer Experience Superstars & The Irresistible Things They Give
Customer Experience Vibe: Are You Being Generous or Greedy
Fake Empowerment: The True Cost to Customer Experience
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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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I worked for a company that had a central problem in customer care – disagreement on who the customer really was… the paying company (client) or the person that we staffed on the job as a contractor and billed out at an hourly rate. They cared more about process excellence than serving the person on the job with service excellence. However, if people no longer wanted to work for the company, the business could not succeed. I think this conflict played a big part in their challenge to deliver an customer customer experience all-round.
Thanks for sharing the simple truth, Kate!
Hi Alli,
This actually occurs more than we would like! It happens in healthcare all the time because the service providers often think of the insurance companies (who are paying) to be their customers!
Thanks for adding this dimension to this discussion.
Hi Kate,
Irresistable customer experience happen on the point where the experience turns into a relationship.
I live an excellent customer experience as I write this comment. I hired a guy to paint my living room. I agreed with him on the price a month ago but I forgot the amount. When he came today and I gave him an approximate guess he refused to go with my price and he said that we agreed a much lower price. On that specific moment, my long term relationship has started with this guy 🙂
Customer satisfaction = value – cost
Hi Khalid,
Once again you lend a personal story that makes my posts come alive. What a great find and wonderful experience … So happy for you!
Hi Kate,
Here they are again from G+
Some Rules for Customer Service
Rule 1
You MUST have a commitment to your customer. THEY, on the other hand, do NOT have a commitment to you! You need to create their commitment to you…start now!
One of the biggest challenges companies have is keeping customers. It’s quite easy for a company to mess things up once in a while or to screw a customer around for no reason. It’s done every day. But some companies take it to an art form.
So many companies send their sales staff out into the big wide world, either door to door or by telephone, to ‘get new customers’ and completely forget that they already have a ton of customers. It’s far easier to get business from people who are already a customer than to get new customers! Duh!
If you look after your customer then they will be your customer for good. By looking after your customer I mean: Do what you say you are gonna do, give them what they expect to get, and more…OVERDELIVER!
Rule 2
You may think satisfying your customer is a big deal? Guess what? It’s not a big deal…it’s expected! It is a condition of the deal. It is expected by your customer, of course. They expect to be satisfied by your product. They expect to be satisfied by you. You should see that as a matter of course.
Customer satisfaction is a priceless commodity. If your customer has peace of mind, they won’t give you a piece of their mind….Got it? No issues, no complaints, no challenges. Your customer isn’t expecting a trouble or issue free time but they are hoping for one and they also want to know one thing. If issues or problems arise, YOU are going to deal with them immediately!
Rule 3
Remember all that work you did to get that customer? Why did you stop? You need to KEEP them. The work STARTS when you get them!
A few years ago when working in the telecommunications field I was training sales people to switch customers from BT (The UKs biggest landline provider) to a cable telephone system. One of the things I got the salespeople to make clear to the customer was that when they put the transfer in place they would be BOMBARDED by phone calls from BT asking if they could do something to keep them, or if they wanted different and more cost effective pricing plans. I made sure that the salespeople asked the customer ‘When was the last time they asked you if they could do anything for you?’ The answer was always the same. NEVER! Some of those people had been with that supplier for 25 years! Many companies only care these days if you are going to leave them. The art, or the secret, is to make sure that your customers are not even looking for a better deal. You need to make them CERTAIN that you are the best, and you need to do that all the time. Not just when a predator calls.
Rule 4
A Loyal customer is the best customer you can have. Better than satisfied. But then, they are only going to be loyal if they ARE satisfied.
Satisfied customers spread the word. ‘Well, my provider is great’…or ‘We never have that problem with (your company name)’. And they tell their friends. If you don’t satisfy your customer, not only will they tell 50 times more people that they are not satisfied, they will not stay. They will not be loyal. LOYAL is where you want them. Stuck to you like glue. the way to get them like that is to look after them, answer their questions, call them, do what you say you are going to do and quick.
If you are still stuck on whether you want satisfied or loyal customers, think of this. Do you want your spouse to be Satisfied…or LOYAL? Yep…?
Thanks again
Hi Dave,
I revel when I read comments like this! It’s a thrill to know others that truly “get” the essence of customer service excellence. Thank you so much for sharing your insights here.
Best …
Thanks Kate.. Appreciated
When I’m asked to educate organizations about content marketing I’ll ask if they’d like to know all about content marketing, social media, and more OR would they like to go for the low-hanging fruit? They always want to know what that is. I tell them it’s the pain they cause customers. We all have stores about poor customer service. However, we seldom take a hard look at the pain we cause our own customers.
Great point Randy when you said “we seldom take a hard look at the pain we cause our own customers.” That sounds like the beginning of a New Year’s Team Resolution — more reflection on that exact point and action to prevent a recurrence of the pain!
Many thanks for sharing your insight here and I wish you a very Happy New Year!