Key Leadership Transitions Great Leaders Champion | #PeopleSkills #LeadMorale

Great leaders master and mentor key leadership transitions to move new leaders and managers forward with ease. Use this checklist of key leadership transitions to avoid the deep ruts that could otherwise delay your success.

Key Leadership Transitions: Image is Gold Key w/ Word Leadership

Key Leadership Transitions Great Leaders Champion. Image licensed via

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Seven Key Leadership Transitions That Great Leaders Master & Mentor

As leaders and managers are you all …

  1. Moving from doing to empowering? If not, you will micromanage those you lead. Many will leave as they feel unimportant and unneeded.

  2. Proceeding from being tough to being positive, clear, and inspirational? If not, you will create a culture of risk avoidance instead of courageous innovation.

  3. Advancing from giving orders to collaborating? Otherwise, you will simply waste the talent you hired!

  4. Shifting from me to we? If not, employees will resent you. Be a servant leader and show them that everyone matters — not just you.

  5. Transition to Empathy & Trust

  6. Widening your inner circle to include those who aren’t like you? Otherwise employees who are different from your gender, race, personality type, temperament, and belief system, will contribute less as you keep them at a distance.

  7. Growing from having control to trusting others? If not, employees will not trust you. Why should they? And remember, without trust, you cannot lead and manage successfully.

  8. Maturing from tough courage to the courage to empathize and engage? If not, you will not lead morale. Today’s workforce expects leaders and managers to acknowledge their needs and engage their talents.

Is Becoming a Leader / Manager Worth It?

Becoming a leader or manager requires more today than ever before. You must meet organizational goals despite deadlines. At the same time, you must lead morale with great people skills, empathy, and engagement. And you have to do it all despite the unfair aspects of your job. Yet in the end it is worth it. You will know that your growth has helped yourself, those you lead/manage, and the business.

To master and mentor the seven key leadership transitions, get Leading Morale today!

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.

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