Valuable Leadership Trust: Leaders Are You Spending Yours Wisely?
by Kate Nasser | 2 Comments »
Leaders, you commonly read about what builds valuable leadership trust. In today’s world it includes courage, competence, vision, integrity, emotional intelligence, and treating others with respect and dignity. However, you read less about how you spend the valuable leadership trust you earn. Despite this fact, it is critical to think about it. How are you spending the valuable leadership trust you earn?
Valuable Leadership Trust: How Are You Spending Yours?
I suppose we should first ask the question, why leaders should earn trust? Because …
Without it people won’t work toward your vision and goals
People are investing this step of their careers in your hands
You are asking them to take risks
People must work in tough times
Trust is essential for great success
Spending the Trust You’ve Earned
Spend it …
Without favoritism. If you are asking people to go the extra mile for you, don’t burden just a few. You may go back to employees who seem more willing. Yet, over time they may think you are using them and you lose their trust.
Without stifling them. Employees want to grow their skills and advance their careers. Don’t ask them to give up everything for you.
With integrity at all times. Don’t spend your trust asking them to do something unethical or shady.
Without taking them for granted. Show respect, recognition, and appreciation every day. It earns you more trust as you spend it.
For the benefit of all. Selfish gain will destroy the trust you’ve earned.
How have leaders lost your trust? Examples?
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
Related Post:
Leaders, 11 Ways You May Be Squandering The Trust You’ve Earned
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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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I love the question that you pose: Why should leaders earn trust? We read so much more about why and how we should earn trust from our leaders. From this perspective you frame here, it truly goes to the heart of servant leadership.
Hi Alli,
It continues to surprise me that there are leaders who underplay the value of earning trust and spending it wisely. They end up surprised themselves when they realize how lack of trust or assuming they have it impacts results.
Thanks for sharing your insight on this post.