Leadership Drama: Vitality or Liability? | #PeopleSkills
by Kate Nasser | Comments Off on Leadership Drama: Vitality or Liability? | #PeopleSkills
Do leaders have to use leadership drama to be strong and effective? Some leaders believe their vitality comes from loud speech and strong actions. Yet many they lead see this as chaos — a liability — not as vitality. So which is it?
Leadership Drama: Is It Vitality or a Liability?
To assess whether your leadership style is filled with leadership drama …
- Define drama. Is it occasional passionate emphasis to inspire others? Or is it chaotic jumping from one position to another? The former can uplift and sustain people. The latter unsettles, exhausts, and overwhelms them.
- Ask those you lead. Introverts may label highly extroverted communication as leadership drama and see it as a liability. Those who like planned approaches may see constant change as chaos, again a liability. Conversely, people who are creative innovators may see leadership drama as exciting and vital — not a chaotic liability.
- Assess the real life situation. Is the situation already scaring people? A leader’s calm strength and reassuring words are vital. Leadership drama that increases their fear is a liability.
Leadership drama that inspires or calms is vitality. If it increases fear and confusion, it’s a liability.
Leadership is about positive influence. Replace the old belief that drama and chaos keep people on their toes and produce better results. This ultimately tears people apart. It dissolves teamwork into infighting and self-preservation. Instead, lead with humility and confidence. You will inspire people you lead and unite them for great success.
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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