Leadership Inspiration: Leaders, How Do You Stay Inspired?

Leadership Inspiration: Tangible Ways for Leaders to Stay Inspired

Leaders, among all the pressures and demands of leadership, how do you stay inspired to inspire others? As you focus on metrics, implementing best practices, and delivering results, where do you find inspiration?

Leadership Inspiration: Image is a ferris wheel lit up.

Leadership Inspiration: Leaders How Do You Stay Inspired? Image by Greenzowie via Flickr.

Image by GreenZowie via Flickr Creative Commons License.

Leadership Inspiration: Tangible Ways to Stay Inspired

To deliver results, you must inspire and engage teams. You must ignite their creativity and innovation. How can you find the leadership inspiration to inspire others?

  1. Self-Awareness, Desire, and Beliefs. If you believe that inspiration matters and want to inspire, you will seek it out. You will find it. You will notice it around you. If you think that inspiration is needless fluff, you will overlook it. You will more likely lead from the traditional lean and mean approach. Big problem: It comes across as mean.

  2. Conferences, podcasts, webinars. Which sessions do you choose? At a conference, which sessions do you attend? Only the ones that focus on tangible how to’s? Or do you also attend some that pose intriguing questions and engage you in discussions? When I choose what conferences to speak at, I go for those that allow inspiration and how to’s. Some do and others label inspiration as no substance. Yet leadership inspiration matters. It makes the how to’s come to life when you get back to the office.

  3. Listening. Stay inspired through listening. To TED and TEDx talks on video. To your staff. To your colleagues. To podcasts and webinars. To live feeds. To the news. To your own heart. Inspiration can come to you at any moment if you are listening. “The earth has music for those who listen. ~Shakespeare”

  4. Discussions. Your own leadership inspiration can come to life through interacting with colleagues, with your loved ones, with employees, during online chats, and even with strangers. Offer to run a round table discussion at a conference. You will hear inspiration all around you.

  5. Visual images. For some people, visual images are a great source of inspiration. If you are visually inspired, take time to tap this source of leadership inspiration. Short inspirational DVDs use music and images to inspire. What do they say to you? Do you have visually inspired employees? Share images with them.

  6. Reading. Broaden your reading list beyond the standard business list. You can find leadership inspiration from diverse books and blogs.

  7. Writing. If you have the time, writing a blog can be very inspiring to you and to others. It helps you articulate your leadership views. Part of leadership inspiration is communicating your beliefs!

Don’t let metrics, best practices, and an operational focus stop you from being inspired and inspiring others. Great leaders know that inspiration and action are the winning combo. Get over thinking that inspiration is a waste of time. You can focus on both on leadership inspiration and down to earth how to’s. They work hand in hand.

Even wild amusement park rides are anchored to the ground!

Leadership Inspiration: Image is Ferris Wheel showing its connection to the ground.

Leadership Inspiration: Even Ferris Wheels Are Secured to the Ground. Image by Michelle Clark.

Leaders, how do you stay inspired? Share your story!

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

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©2016 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email info@katenasser.com for permission and guidelines. Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.

Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.


Engage in people skills learning!

Let’s turn interaction obstacles into business success in leadership, teamwork, and customer service experience.

I invite your questions, welcome your wisdom, and look forward to working with you.
~Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

12 Responses to “Leadership Inspiration: Leaders, How Do You Stay Inspired?”

  1. Jon Mertz says:


    One of the essential ways to be inspired is to get out into nature. Nature renews.


    • Matt says:

      Hey Jon,

      I total agree with you. One way I find inspiration in nature is going fishing in the boat and letting my thoughts and imagination run wild. I find that the time spent out there allows me to come up with ways to keep culture and inspiration levels high among my team.

      Kate one other point I would like to contribute is commenting and reading blogs – it is another great way to bounce ideas off the people who are also writing and interested in the same values.

      Thanks again Kate and love the content.

    • Kate Nasser says:

      Great point Jon about getting out into nature. So many love it and it is often the location of many corporate retreats, team building, etc…


  2. […] Leadership Inspiration: With so much focus on metrics how can leaders keep themselves & others inspired? Insight fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.  […]

  3. […] “ Leadership Inspiration: With so much focus on metrics how can leaders keep themselves & others inspired? Insight fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.”  […]

  4. Alli says:

    Bottom line is that we each need to take responsibility for recharging our inspiration. When it’s fading, it’s important to notice before it’s burnt out. Lately, I’ve been finding some inspiration on the elliptical and listen to amazing music that makes me want to move. When I’m working or writing, I typically do it in silence. Having more music in my life has been a tremendous inspiration beyond the gym – it’s reconnected me with my flow and joy.

    Thanks, Kate!

    ~ Alli

    • Kate Nasser says:

      I’m with you on this one Alli. Music has been a tremendous source of inspiration for me my whole life! Different music at different times.

      So glad it works for you too 🙂

  5. Khalid says:

    Hi Kate,

    Conferences, podcasts, webinars… Which one to choose.

    That got me thinking… You are right, we often choose the techie ones and ignore the leadership inspirational sessions thinking those we already possess.

    Well done for another inspiring post Kate 🙂 you are a source of inspiration to me… Always 🙂


    • Kate Nasser says:

      Many thanks Khalid. There are endless sources of leadership inspiration — as long as leaders take time to stay inspired they can inspire others!

  6. […] Leadership Inspiration, with so much focus on metrics, how can leaders keep themselves & others inspired? Read insights from Kate Nasser. Photo credit: Greenzowie.  […]

  7. […] To deliver results, you must inspire and engage teams. You must ignite their creativity and innovation. How can you find the leadership inspiration to inspire others?Self-Awareness, Desire, and Beliefs. If you believe that inspiration matters and want to inspire, you will seek it out. You will find it. You will notice it around you. If you think that inspiration is needless fluff, you will overlook it. You will more likely lead from the traditional lean and mean approach. Big problem: It comes across as mean.Conferences, podcasts, webinars. Which sessions do you choose? At a conference, which sessions do you attend? Only the ones that focus on tangible how to’s? Or do you also attend some that pose intriguing questions and engage you in discussions? When I choose what conferences to speak at, I go for those that allow inspiration and how to’s. Some do and others label inspiration as no substance. Yet leadership inspiration matters. It makes the how to’s come to life when you get back to the office.Listening. Stay inspired through listening. To TED and TEDx talks on video. To your staff. To your colleagues. To podcasts and webinars. To live feeds. To the news. To your own heart. Inspiration can come to you at any moment if you are listening. “The earth has music for those who listen. ~Shakespeare”Discussions. Your own leadership inspiration can come to life through interacting with colleagues, with your loved ones, with employees, during online chats, and even with strangers. Offer to run a round table discussion at a conference. You will hear inspiration all around you.Visual images. For some people, visual images are a great source of inspiration. If you are visually inspired, take time to tap this source of leadership inspiration. Short inspirational DVDs use music and images to inspire. What do they say to you? Do you have visually inspired employees? Share images with them.  […]

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