Older Job Seekers – Leverage You!

If you are a Baby Boomer or Gen X and you find yourself downsized/out of work, how will you compete with the younger workers for jobs?  Leverage “you”.   Above all make sure you are using LinkedIn and Twitter. 

Here is the link for Twitter job posts: www.twitterjobsearch.com/map.  Also another link I found on Twitter on how to avoid the biggest job search mistakes: http://bit.ly/qiNWR.  

#1 Prepare simple statements that explain why you over the younger workers.

Sample.  “I am more valuable now than when I got out of school.  I apply my years of experience to the challenges of this decade.  I have been through many changes in my life so to me — change is normal.  I see experience as a guide not a bible.  I stay current with technology and I work easily with people of different ages, cultures, and education.  I am smart, trainable, and learn fast.   

To write your statement, read the related blog post here on this site:   https://katenasser.com/apply-yourself-and-then-apply-for-that-job/

#2 Bridge the gap for the interviewer.  Many interviewers are incented by their companies to hire young ones even though they do not admit it.  Give them significant evidence that you are the best hire to help them overcome their fears of bucking “corporate think”.   Not all interviewers are change agents at heart.   You must reduce their fear if you want a shot at the job.  And of course, don’t tell them they are afraid

#3 Back up your claims of being “current”.   Make sure you are on some online site such as LinkedIn or Twitter.  Learn how to text message.  Read up on current jargon in your field and in online networking.  Prepare examples of how you are using current technology to learn.  Are you doing webinars?  Are you going to school online?  All of this makes you “current”.

You are welcome to share this information with other blogs and social media if you credit this blog post.   I also welcome your comments and questions below.

Many thanks for visiting and click the RSS feed to receive updates on blog posts.

Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach


6 Responses to “Older Job Seekers – Leverage You!”

  1. I have been working since I left high school about thirty years ago. I began as a clerk typist in a bank and slowly rose up from secretary to administrative assistant in a manufacturing engineering corporation. During my years in the employment fields, I have worked in various job environments, (i.e. bank, publishing house, credit card company, and engineering manufacturing.) I was gaining my skills by learning from my peers and met the challenges that I have come across. Since December 2008, I was laid off, began sending out resumes, met with recruiters and still no bites. I do however, go to the Workforce 1 to acquire more skills in computer software on Office 2007 as well resume and interviewing skills. The employers however, are looking for college degrees and overlooking the fact of my lifetime work experiences and viewing my age (57 years) . I try to keep focus on my goal that eventually, I will acquire a position and hope it will be very soon.

  2. Kate Nasser says:

    Hi Emily,
    Many thanks for telling your story here and sharing your optimism. One suggestion:
    Find a place where you feel inspired. Think about and write down at least 3 difficult situations in work settings and how you have handled each. Best if the 3 situations are different in nature.

    Then write them up as “Could someone with less experience handle these situations?” Send them in a cover letter the next time you send your resume. Be brief and to the point.

    It might catch the recruiter’s attention. Help the recruiters market you!

  3. Lynne Quint says:

    Hi Kate,
    I feel Emily’s pain. I am 50 years of age, in MBA, 30 years experience and the hardest working person I know, male or female.
    I have been in sales the last 10 years and would like to break into pharmaceutical sales field. I feel that employers will be very prone to pick college grads. I have joined a pharmaceutical sales association for help. Any other advice?
    Lynne Quint

  4. Kate Nasser says:

    Hi Lynne,
    Good step to join Pharm Sales Assoc. Have you looked at smaller pharm companies and even medical equipment companies? Smaller companies often need people with more experience because they have fewer layers of mgmt. So they don’t have time/$ for training & mentoring young ones.
    Pharm. companies have had tough times the last few years with various drugs causing trouble — thus profits down. Add that to the overall economy and you see th picture.
    Please stay in touch and let me know how it’s going!

  5. Kate Nasser says:

    Thank You for Writing This!
    Robin Tillotson, M.S.W., Regional Director (With Permission)
    Chicago Department of Senior Services

  6. Hello Kate and thank you for your advise. I will review my job experiences on three difficult work settings and how each situations= was handle.

    Thank you and I’ll keep you posted.

    Emily Crocetto
    Flushing, New York

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