Outlook Output: How Exactly Attitude Matters #LeadMorale #Leadership

If you are one to say that attitude (aka your outlook) is not as important as skills and hard work, embrace the phrase outlook output. Simply put, your attitude and outlook affect your output. So for leaders and teams, remember to do a daily outlook check. Here’s how and why.

Outlook Output: Image is Open Dome w/ spokes coming out . Image by Martin Abegglen.

What is Your Outlook Output? Image by Martin Abegglen via Flickr Shared Attribution License.

Image by Martin Abegglen via Flickr Shared Attribution License.

Outlook Output: Why Does Our Outlook & Attitude Matter?

Picture yourselves with a blah attitude. Your outlook is neutral or negative. Now picture what you would do when …

  1. The leader asks you to complete your project three weeks earlier than scheduled and you were about to ask for an extension on the deadline. Do you feel exasperated, angry, bewildered, overwhelmed, etc…? Will that spill over when you respond to the leader? What words will come out of your mouth? And if it does, how will that affect your future work? If however your outlook that day were positive, you would be more likely to assess the impact of this stressful request and then discuss the challenges with the leader. Your outlook affects your output. Outlook ouput!

  2. The Daily Grind …

  3. In your work you are hit daily with changes to plans that are in progress. What is your outlook about this pattern? Do you ask for a meeting with all involved to make this pattern less chaotic? In this way you would influence all involved to produce a better output. Or do you get so annoyed, that you tell them “no” and the organization labels you as inflexible. Your outlook affects your output. Outlook output again!

  4. Starting Out …

  5. You have started looking for a job. You are anxious to establish a better life. As the days wear on with no job offer, doubt creeps in and your anxiety grows. This outlook will affect how you come across in interviews and perhaps your desire to go on interviews. Don’t let this happen. Instead, read the list of your talents. I am not talking about skills here. I mean your natural talents! It will replace doubt with self-confidence and spark a new outlook on landing a great job. Your outlook affects your output. Outlook output again!

A Wish for Your Outlook Output

Your attitude and outlook affect other people. It shapes their opinion of you and whether they want to work with you. Do a daily outlook check. If you find yourself being negative every single day, reach out to a counselor. There are career counselors, mental health counselors, and mentors who can lend great value to your life. Your outlook on work and life is not a little thing. Your outlook affects your output. I went to a career counselor over thirty years ago and it changed the course of my life! I wish the same happiness and success for you.

What questions or thoughts do you have on this topic?

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

©2024 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email info@katenasser.com for permission and guidelines. Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.

Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.

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