People Disconnect from Your Leadership for These Essential Reasons

Do you find that people disconnect from your leadership? Are you wondering why you can’t reach and inspire them? Here are essential reasons that can help you figure out why people disconnect from you as a leader.

People Disconnect: Image is an unplugged electrical cord. Image by Leonard J. Matthews via Flickr.

People Disconnect: Reasons People Do Not Connect w/ You. Image by Leonard J. Matthews via Flickr Attribution NoDerivs License.

Image by Leonard J. Matthews via Flickr Attribution-NoDerivs License.

People Disconnect: Reasons Why People Don’t Connect w/ Your Leadership

    They think you …

  1. Didn’t get to know them and their unique talents. Getting to know those you lead is essential to leading them!

  2. Have low emotional intelligence. You rarely recognize their effort, applaud their contributions, spot their struggles and empathize.

  3. Didn’t learn what they define as leadership and what they need from you. You just forged ahead and did what you thought a leader should do.

  4. Play favorites especially toward employees who are similar to your personality, work style, race, gender, or age. You may not be conscious of this yet it can happen.

  5. And of course they think you …

  6. Don’t trust them. Are you micro-managing them? Employees take this as a lack of trust.

  7. Seem to like catching them in a mistake. Ask yourself, how often do you highlight their mistakes vs. their successes? Is it possible that you always want to be seen as the smartest person in the room?

  8. Demean them and show disdain for who they are. Great leaders don’t show contempt for those they lead. Great leaders inspire!

Summary of Why People Disconnect from Your Leadership

As you read through the list above, the pattern is about your people skills, communication, and behavior. To connect with the employees you lead, show them respect, treat them with dignity, learn about their talents, and be there for them as you all work together. For more detailed steps, get a copy of my book, Leading Morale.

What other leadership behaviors push you away from the leader? Pls. add your insights below.

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.

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