People Skills Firsts That Create Infinite Opportunity w/ People
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In business, career pursuits, and life in general, people skills firsts create infinite opportunities. The phrase, be first in order to be successful, does not apply solely to inventors. Be the first do to the following with others and you will create infinite opportunities for everyone.
19 People Skills Firsts That Create Unbounded Opportunity w/ Others
Picture yourself, who you are, and what you do well. Imagine how that moves others as well as yourself. Then initiate one or more of these people skills firsts to help everyone!
Be the first to …
Speak respectfully and show respect to everyone. All positive opportunities start with respect.
Ask and learn about someone else. It opens valuable paths.
Highlight someone else’s talents and strengths. They will share them more with you and others.
Offer an idea to break a logjam instead of remaining quiet. Your new idea energizes other new ideas.
Lift people up when they are down. We all do better when people get back up.
Speak civilly when incivility has broken out. Your tact demonstrates a more productive choice.
Clarify assumptions. It helps prevent bias.
Offer critical thinking questions when group think starts. Your insight helps people avoid false conclusions.
Speak out against bullying behavior. Your courage shifts the tide from hate to love.
Look at something another way. Your creative voice creates broader views.
Reset teamwork when someone tries to seize control. It stops the maverick from conquering and honors teamwork and teammates.
Keep the calm during crises. It averts disaster and even saves lives.
Spot and adapt to different personality types. Of the many people skills firsts, this one creates very strong positive bonds of opportunity.
Listen and be a sounding board. The ideas you hear will multiply everyone’s possibilities.
Offer to collaborate. Your generosity of spirit and thought expands everyone’s potential.
Connect details with the big picture. This combination spurs results.
Share your intuition. Intuition is often the final step from indecision to decision.
Be humorous (appropriately.) It can break tensions and bring people together. “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” —Victor Borge.
Smile. It is the universal connector. “The first person to smile changes everything.” ~Kate Nasser
More People Skills Firsts
Be the first to …
And a Few More People Skills Firsts
Be the first to …
And of course be the first to …
You don’t have to be an extrovert or an attention seeker to help others and create opportunity for everyone. If you know yourself and live generously, your unique people skills firsts will expand everyone’s opportunity.
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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