People Skills Chat 10/20/13: Forgiveness, Leadership, Learning #Peopleskills
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People Skills Twitter Chat TOPIC: Forgiveness, Leadership, & Learning. Hashtag: #peopleskills
WHEN: Sunday Oct. 20, 2013 10AM EDT.
Here’s a time converter to assist all of you around the globe in converting 10am EDT to your local time.
Background on This Chat Topic
When we think of leaders at work, do we think of their forgiveness? In everyday life, forgiveness is often held as a high ideal. Is it seen this way in business and the workplace? Or does that produce less than stellar results and a lazy workforce?
These are the questions that Chantal Bechervaise, HR professional and leadership blogger, raised that produced this Twitter chat idea. Chantal is a voracious life long learner and invites your discussions on leadership issues.
Join People Skills Twitter Chat Sun. Oct. 20, 2013 10am EDT.
We will explore forgiveness in leadership and its connections to learning and performance. Some thoughts to ponder …
- What role, if any, does forgiveness play in leadership at work? Has this changed over time?
- How does forgiveness affect learning, morale, and results?
- What is the difference between forgiveness and letting people slide?
- In what situations at work, if any, does forgiveness play a critical role?
- How does forgiveness affect a leader’s objectivity and ability to lead?
These are just a few questions to get us thinking before we begin the people skills chat this Sunday! Actual questions will post during the chat.
So bring your personal perspective, all your experience, lots of curiosity, and your favorite beverage, and join us from around the globe for Twitter People Skills Chat this Sunday in the USA — Oct. 20, 2013 at 10am EDT — to explore: Forgiveness, Leadership, and Learning!
I also invite you to continue this chat by joining the Google+ People Skills Community to be a part of all the people skills discussions not just on Sundays but everyday 24×7. If LinkedIn is your favorite social media platform, join us in our growing LinkedIn group: People Skills Succeed.
Shout Out of Gratitude
A huge thanks Chantal Bechervaise for this week’s topic. I am also very grateful to all those who participate each week and expand our understanding and view of people skills. Finally, a warm thank you to all who have suggested topics and co-hosted. I welcome new topic ideas and co-hosts as well!
Hope you will all join in the #PeopleSkills Twitter chat to explore Leadership, Forgiveness, and Learning, this Sunday Oct. 20, 2013 10am EDT/7am PDT.
Everyone is welcome! We have only one rule in People Skills Twitter Chat: Respect for all even when we disagree.
TIP: If you have never been in a Twitter chat, you may find it helpful to log on to, enter hashtag #peopleskills, and sign in to your Twitter account. Twubs will insert the hashtag automatically for you and you will see all the tweets on one screen. Other tools available are, OneQube, Hootsuite and TweetDeck.
I am the founder and host of the chat and will be happy to answer any questions you have in advance: Email me.
Chat with you this Sunday Oct. 20, 2013 10am EDT in #PeopleSkills Twitter Chat: Forgiveness, Leadership, Learning.
Until then, as always, I wish you bonds of happiness and success!
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™
©2013 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.
Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results. Kate invites you to also connect with her on Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter. She welcomes your interaction!