Humility People Skills: 10 Ways to Stay Humble in Success

Humility: Overcome Self-Pity and Prevent Swelled Head

On Mother’s Day, I think about how mothers have the difficult job of encouraging us to succeed while teaching us to stay humble. They face the challenge head on as they model this important balance.

Humility can conquer both self-pity and a swelled head. This sails us forward to success in work-life and deeper happiness in personal connections.

Humility People Skills: Image of Victoria Falls

Humility People Skills: Ways to Stay Humble Image by: tonymz

Image by: Tonymz via Flickr Creative Commons License.

Humility: 10 Ways to Stay Humble in Success

  1. Observe the wonder of babies as they courageously learn EVERYTHING. They are humble not humiliated.
    Humility reveals what there is to learn.
  2. View the Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, and other natural wonders or at least the pictures if you can’t go. It helps keep human efforts in perspective. Celebrate the larger view and live humbly to balance ego.
  3. Once a week, have someone teach you something they do well that you don’t.
    Being a willing student helps you stay humble.
  4. Learn one of the 6500 known languages. It’s a great reminder of who else exists in the world!
    Humility fuels learning beyond visible boundaries.
  5. See those who live with a severe chronic illness and still give generously of themselves.
    Humility redefines struggle and strength.
  6. Go without comforts and convenience for one day or better yet one week. Those who make life easier come into full view.
    Humility magnifies appreciation of others.
  7. Help someone with a physical challenge. Their tenacity is inspirational as it places struggle in a new light.
    Seeing the challenges of others inspires humility.
  8. Write down all your pet peeves about other people. Then ask yourself how many of those things you can humbly overlook.
    Humility nurtures patience and inhibits selfishness.
  9. Become and stay curious with others. Ask one question each day to expand the mind and humbly learn from different views. Humility can be intensely interesting and enjoyable.
    Curiosity sparks humility.
  10. Ask for help from others who live humility in success. They will help you to overcome the myths and fears and live the truth about humility.
    Humility is a shared journey.

Curiosity and learning keep our sights set on things outside of ourselves. This keeps us humble in success.

Question: What has life taught you about staying humble? Will you share it here?

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

Related Posts:
What’s So Hot About Humility Anyway
Leaders, Never Confuse Humility With Humiliation

©2013 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.

Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.

9 Responses to “Humility People Skills: 10 Ways to Stay Humble in Success”

  1. Carl says:

    Kate, if mother’s day was what inspired this list then it is just one more reason to be thankful for the day. Thank You!
    After reading, I’ve been reflecting on what a different world we would live in if a small percentage of people would actually take action on even a few.
    I heard one of my favorite ‘humility’ stories years ago, I was at an event where someone (can’t even remember his name now) was to receive an award for outstanding achievement in his field. The host gave a long and glowing introduction, citing the numerous accomplishments, extolling the virtues of the individual – after the individual stepped to the microphone, he thanked the host for the wonderful introduction and regretted that his parent’s weren’t present to hear it. He went on to state that his father would be proud, and his mother would believe every word.

    Thank you for your continued excellence and insight –
    Best regards,

    • Kate Nasser says:

      Well Carl your pondering has expanded the reach of this post. “What would the world be like if a small percentage of people would actually take action on even a few of these ideas.

      I have thought this many times. In fact had this discussion over dinner with a friend a few nights ago.

      Well we can certainly do our part and keep the hope alive!

      Many thanks for your key thought.

  2. These are great thoughts that you have shared Kate. It was not an easy thing for me to do at first because early on in life, mostly my childhood, I was not used to hearing ‘no’ as an answer whenever I needed something or had an idea or plan that I wanted to have go my way. But as I grew into adulthood, especially after going into the workforce, I learned that my idea was not always the best one and that someone else on the team had a better one. I learned that exercising patience a lot more in my asking for something is the best way to go so that I got that which is best for me in life. That process in itself has taught me to be humble and have helped so many times to steer me away from getting a swell head (pride, high spirit) which do not line up with God’s character. He said He will give grace to the humble but the proud and hearty spirit He would resist.

    • Kate Nasser says:

      Dear Yvonne,
      I love your personal story for it accentuates that this truly is a journey. Sometimes we stumble into selfishness and other times we find humility. Important to have the focus everyday to have the chance of living it!

      Many thanks for your comment and contribution here.

      Warmest regards,

  3. Kumar Gauraw says:

    What an awesome post on Mother’s Day! I am a first time visitor through Twitter. But I really enjoyed being here. Thank you for these 10 tips. Great list to keep up with.

  4. Craig Wallace says:

    Hello I’m Craig Wallace and I’m here to tell you one of my short humble stories. I have played high school football and i was a D1 recruit prospect by all colleges for a full ride scholarship in sports. My ACT score was a point low to be eligible for my first year to play in college. So I went to central state university and red shirted for a year. I got my grades and transferred to Urbana university and wasn’t able to play once again because central state was in the same conference at the time. So the whole at Urbana was horrible no books, financial was bad, just nothing went right. I feel I could have given up and stopped chasing my dream and maybe hung around the wrong crowd. I put my faith into God and stay humbled and dedicated to football. I worked out everyday and stayed in condition for about 2 years of not being in college. To be honest I thought my football career was over at a point of time. Suddenly God spoken to me and told me I stayed strong through the struggle and never gave up on myself. So this opportunity came along of arena football. I never thought about arena football in the day of my life but God had something special for me and is giving me a chance to keep my football career going. I’m still 21 years old and I play for the Dayton Sharks Indoor Professional Team and I thank God for every bit of it and I thank myself for being humble. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME! GOD BLESS AND HAVE A GOOD DAY!

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