People Skills Twitter Chat Sunday: The Effects of Silence
by Kate Nasser | 2 Comments »
People skills Twitter Chat: April 7, 2013. TOPIC: The Sounds of Silence WHEN: Sunday, 10AM EDT/2pm GMT/3pm Daylight Savings Time UK.
People skills include far more than conversation. There is so much that goes into building personal and professional relationships.
In this Sunday’s (April 7th) people skills chat, we will explore the reach and effects of silence. I do hope you will join in and add your perspective to this discussion.
People Skills Twitter Chat – The Effects of the Sounds of Silence!
- What does silence mean to you?
- In silence, I feel or see _______________?
- What does silence do or give to you?
- Silence: leads you to the light or keeps you in the dark? Why?
- Where do you use silence in your relationships?
- How does silence affect others?
- What is the difference between silence and no contact?
- How can we tell if others want silence?
- Silence has the power to _______________.
- What can a verbal connection do that silence can’t?
- How does silence impact trust?
- In what moments can silence truly help others?
- Can silence can cause pain or trouble? Y/N? Why?
- What advice about silence would you give to leaders?
- How can people skills help you use silence well?
- … and much more.
Please join all of us in the People Skills Twitter chat to explore The Effects of Silence. Hashtag #PeopleSkills Sunday 10am EDT/2pm GMT/3pm Daylight Savings Time UK.
We have only one rule in People Skills Twitter Chat: Respect for all even when we disagree. Everyone is welcome!
TIP: If you have never been in a Twitter chat, you may find it helpful to log on to, enter hashtag #peopleskills, and sign in to your Twitter account. Tweetchat will insert the hashtag automatically for you and you will see all the tweets on one screen. Other tools available are and
I am the moderator of the chat and will be happy to answer any questions you have in advance: Email me.
Chat with you this Sunday April 7, 2013 10am EDT in People Skills Twitter Chat – The Effects of the Sounds of Silence!
Until then, as always, I wish you bonds of happiness and success!
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™
©2013 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.
Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
I’m sorry I can’t make the chat, Kate, and absolutely loved your list of questions. I do want to leave a thought about three kinds of silence in relationships (I’m assuming there are many more):
1. Silence that is the product of no longer being willing to engage on things matters that count. David Schnarch, the author of Passionate Marriage (a great book) uses the example of people who may have been married a long time who eat dinner together in silence. There’s apparently no tension, but no talking either. He suggests this is a matter of having given up on talking about what’s really going on.
2. Silence that is the product of tension. Most often people work hard to fill the space because of the tension because the silence feels awkward. I believe there can be a lot of power and trust dynamics involved in such moments, from simply not knowing one another and breaking the ice, to communicating “cross-culturally,” to various forms of using silence to shame or dominate.
3. Silence that is bonding and healing — there is a silence that connects us, in dialogue, in shared grief, in enabling others to own their challenges while we own ours. There the silence may signal a sense of completion and perhaps also a new beginning or shift in direction — for a topic, for a relationship, or for a life.
I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful chat!!
All the best to you and all who participate!
Hi Dan.
So generous of you to offer your insights here even though you can’t be in #peopleskills chat this Sunday (you’ll be missed!)
Silence can mean so many things and impact life in diverse ways. Thank you for adding this broad perspective!!
Warmest thanks,