How to Resist These Irresistible Customer Service Urges | #CX #CustServ
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Have your customer service staff had any of these irresistible customer service urges that they would regret later? Being positive and caring for hours and hours is challenging yet very beneficial. So here’s how to resist these temptations and give great customer service every single time!
Resist These 10 Irresistible Customer Service Urges!
All sorts of customer service moments can be challenging for customer service staff. It gets even more challenging when they are overworked, understaffed, dealing with crises, handling personal struggles, and just plain tired. Yet customers don’t know all of this and still expect great service. So here’s how to resist these irresistible customer service urges even in tough times.
Yell back at an angry customer. It’s useless and changes nothing. Your calm caring tone — not your anger — will turn this moment around.
Jump into the issue without showing that you care. It’s tempting when you are busy yet it comes across as insensitive. Then you must take time to undo the impression you gave. Remember: Empathize before you analyze.
Blame the customer for the problem. You may even do this without realizing it. “Why did you do that?” often comes across as blaming. Skip this urge completely. Solve the issue. That’s your caring job.
Mistrust the customer. When things don’t make sense to you, you may think the customer is being deceitful. Your interaction will turn negative. This is very risky. Stay curious so you can understand what doesn’t make sense to you.
Promise to follow-through and then not do it. Not delivering on your promise is a huge mistake. Your entire team, business, and brand will suffer. Follow-through with all the details to deliver the best customer service.
Blame your boss or teammates. Even if you are struggling with them, telling the customer is disastrous. They still have the problem they submitted to your company. Instead if feeling sympathy for you, they will simply be concerned that you will leave them hanging.
Get defensive when you hear a customer’s negative feedback. Feedback is always valuable. Instead of defending yourself or your company, thank the customer for telling you and give better service. Remember, care more and defend less.
Speak badly of other customers to your current customer. They will wonder what bad things you say about them behind their back. Be grateful for each customer and speak well of them.
Take things personally. Accept and be happy for the customer’s thank yous and gratitude. Yet never take their negative attitudes personally. Be caring and objective. Clearly, that’s the true greatness of a customer service professional.
Skip courtesy. Courtesy and civility show respect to your customers. They set the scene for everything. They also make your message easier to hear — especially the tough messages.
The customer service urges to …
And the urges to …
And of course the urge to …
The easiest way to resist these otherwise irresistible customer service urges is to always think about what the customer is going through. Don’t patronize or dominate the customer. Instead, use empathy every single time and you will give great customer service.
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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