Service Purpose: Leaders, Review & Renew w/ Your Teams | #Leadership #LeadMorale
by Kate Nasser | 4 Comments »
Leaders, to start the new year right, review & renew your service purpose with your teams. Ask them what you did well in serving them last year. Ask them how your service purpose and actions need to change for success this year. Doing this will build more trust and pave the way for unimagined success. Moreover, your review and renewal will service as a model for their service renewal to each other!

Service Purpose: Leaders, Review & Renew w/ Your Teams. Image by Helen Cook via Flickr Creative Commons License.
Renew & Review Your Service Purpose w/ Your Teams
If you’ve never spoken to your teams about your service purpose, the following steps will guide you. If you have done it, review these steps anyway to refresh your approach going forward.
What is a service purpose? How do you define it? This is important so they are clear from the start what you are asking.
How do they see your role as leader? What do they expect of you in service to them?
When do their expectations change? For example, do they change in crunch times and difficult moments at work, or when personal challenges mount?
What can you do going forward that would serve them better? Ask for examples of challenges they had/have where you can do things differently to help them?
How can you create a stronger service culture starting with your actions? This will most likely open up a valuable discussion about service culture so be prepared to facilitate and take notes!
What current structures or rules are blocking their ability to serve each other? This question will highlight more of how your service purpose needs to change.
How has your leadership blocked the team’s success, if at all? It’s always best to put this type of question toward the end so that the teams have time to feel comfortable opening up before tackling this question. Stress that their answers will be very helpful to you. It’s very difficult to see how you come across to others.
Review Obstacles
Once you have done this initial review of your service purpose with your teams, follow it up with subsequent discussions about their service purpose to each other. Lastly, make sure you all put accountability steps in place to assess how you’re all doing. Otherwise, the efforts may wane as you all get busy.
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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Hi Kate,
Very effective and thoughtful list! This photo (shoe gazing…) is more than apropos, too.
I’d add “How is my communication style impacting my teams?” and, I’d ask these questions face to face (even when virtual), too.
Thanks Greg! And yes, communication style is an important component. Thanks for adding to this discussion.
Thanks for sharing the link to the article, Kate. All the great steps, in addition to this, I recommend more focus on:
1. Aligning brand promise and vision with your team is critical.
2. Understanding what your team and their expectation is important.
3. Planning and Taking action is the next biggest step.
Yes, how to communicate, empathize, inject the change, and work along as a team is a continuous process.
We are of one mind on this Sandip. Thanks for adding your thoughts to this discussion!