Super Customer Service Experience: Picture It, Lead It, Create It!

Super customer service experience starts with more than a vision statement. It starts with a vivid picture of what is super customer service experience. To picture it, lead it, and create it, leaders must engage their organization in imagining the wow.

Super customer service experience: Image is Artists's Pallette

Super customer service experience: Picture it, Lead it, Create It Image by:sirwiseowl

Grateful for Image by:SirWiseOwl via Creative Commons License.

If you want to create super customer service experience, don’t start with a lecture. Start with games of imagination.  There is so much focus today about games to engage and motivate yet many still focus on the competitive aspect of games. 

Instead, engage employees in games imagining what super customer service looks like, feels like, and delivers!

Super Customer Service Experience: Picture It!

Leaders fear that if they ask employees to imagine the ultimate customer service, they may come up with ideas that will bankrupt the company. Fear not. Boundaries and rules exist in life. That doesn’t mean we stop living. Games can have boundaries/rules and that came make them more challenging!  Just make sure that the rules aren’t directives.  If you are telling them what to think, it’s not a game of imagination.

When I run these games with teams in customer service workshops, I am incredibly psyched by the tremendous service experience pictures they create. It is an honor to be in the “front row” seeing this amazing pictorial. Leaders engage in the games not as leaders but as equals. They are lifted up by their teams imagination.  The seeds of customer service innovation emerge.

Super Customer Service Experience: Lead It!

Now that the ideas are flying, you must lead them to keep the spirit and energy going. From imagination to assessment to creation, resist your need to apply metrics to it right now. It’s way too soon. The teams are innovating the actions of customer service experience AND their attitudes. Measure them at this early stage and you shut the innovation down. Be a Buoy of Inspiration & Balance.

Super Customer Service Experience: Create It!

By now the teams are soaring with spirit. They feel that they are the engines of great customer service experience. They will implement the seemingly smaller changes with ease. As you all consider the larger innovations they have imagined, continue to engage them in the creation. How can you do this when they are on the phones?

Rotations off the phone to participate in creating the new world are smart and cost effective. Include people from all aspects of customer experience not just the service aspect. Together they create teamwork, buy-in, and accountability. Leaders don’t create great customer service experience from above. They do it with teams! Teams can even create some of the metrics. These metrics will make sense, fuel service excellence, and everyone engaged to deliver excellence.

If you want to truly inspire your customer service teams to a super level of performance, get them to picture it, lead it with you, and create it everyday. Want more ideas? Just let me know!

How do you picture super customer experience?

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™

©2013 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.

Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.

4 Responses to “Super Customer Service Experience: Picture It, Lead It, Create It!”

  1. Khalid says:

    Wonderful Kate.

    I would add to your list (picture it, lead it and create it) MAINTAIN IT.

    There is a cost in getting to the level of having customers. So to avoid in going through this cycle one should maintin customers 🙂

    I’m sure you meant to deal with the first states but long cumstomer relationship is equally important.

    Once you create your dream, LIVE IT

    By the dream I meant the customer you just won!


    • Kate Nasser says:

      Home run Khalid!! You are correct that I was focusing this post on creating it.

      And I absolutely love your focus on maintaining it. That’s what customers expect.


  2. Hi Kate, great tips in this post! Truly enjoyed it. I would add to your list CONTINUALLY EVALUATE (IT).I do agree with Khalid that long customer relationship is equally important. Evaluating on a regular basis you are able to pick up on how well the plan is going or not and correct it in real time.

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