Sustaining Customers: Do Your Employees Think It’s Too Much Trouble? #CX
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Leaders, are your employees truly into sustaining customers? Or do they think that adapting to each one and their personalities is too much trouble? If you’ve never though of this before, it’s time to focus on it. Routine customer service treats everyone the same. It comes across as humdrum and robotic. An outstanding customer experience is personalized and it brings customers back for more.
However, if any of your employees think that sustaining customers by adapting to their needs is too much trouble, then they will deliver far less than outstanding service. And the customers have little reason to be loyal to your business.

Sustaining Customers: Is It Too Much Trouble? Image by Bill Smith via Flickr Creative Commons License.
Sustaining Customers – Do Your Employees Think It’s Too Much Trouble?
I clearly recall a customer service class I was teaching. I remember it because it was the day that one of the participants said “this is too much trouble!” We were discussing how to adapt to each customer’s style and needs. This is what customers call great service. I said, once you know how to do it, why wouldn’t you do it? And he said, because it’s just too much trouble. I never forgot his reply because it said everything about his attitude. This made me wonder how often leaders and managers know which employees aren’t delivering outstanding service and sustaining customers.
How to Discover What Employees Aren’t Adapting to Customers
They may …
Get defensive when you correct them on how to treat others better.
Show the ability to adapt when it gives them something they want yet don’t adapt to teammates.
State that “if people want my help, they will adapt to me.”
Sustaining Customers: Adapt and Personalize!
Adapt to Customers …
Pace and urgency: how fast/slowly they explain, answer your questions, etc…
Special requests
Accents, cultural norms, etc…
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
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