
Feelings: Don’t Tell Employees What to Feel | #LeadMorale #PeopleSkills #EX

Feelings: Image is the word feelings with a picture of an on / off switch beneath it.

Leaders & managers, coach behaviors but don’t tell employees what feelings to have! by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author of Leading Morale

Leadership Role Models: Today’s Essential Overlooked Steps | #LeadMorale

Leadership Role Models: Image is a light cable plugged in.

Leadership role models – today’s essential yet overlooked steps. by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale

Coaching Employees: One Very Important Step | #Management #Leadership

Coaching Employees Use Action Words. Image is a pair of shoes.

When coaching employees to change their behaviors for greater success, there is one very important step to remember. Use action words to guide them to actionable change vs. judgmental labels that lead nowhere. Here’s how. Image by Jeshu John via Coaching Employees: The Key Step So many times leaders and managers take on the […]

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Achievement: What You Smartly Don’t Choose is Key | #Career #Success

Achievement Smart Choices: Image is words "Smart Choices" in a box.

Make Smart Choices of What Not to Do for Achievement in Life & Work. Career reflections & Insights from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

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Hope Optimism Positivity: JOIN Global #PeopleSkillsChat SUN. Aug. 9th

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

As difficult times persist, we use hope optimism positivity to fuel resilience. Join Kate Nasser The People Skils Coach™ in global Twitter #PeopleSkillsChat — Sunday Aug. 9th 10am EDT.

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These Trivial Leadership Actions Create Consequential Results

Trivial Leadership Actions: Image is person laying bricks.

Leaders, do you consider your everyday steps to be mundane even unimportant? They’re not. These so-called trivial leadership actions create these consequential results. Experience from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Leadership Mirage: Do You See Patience or Inaction?

Leadership Mirage: Image is Runners in setting sun.

Leaders, avoid the threat of the leadership mirage that confuses patience with inaction. Critical steps fr The People Skills Coach™.

Leaders, Leading Change Within Yourself Changes Everything

Leaders, you don’t have to become a different person to effect positive change. Just make your actions accountable for your words. 5 experienced based insights fr The People-Skills Coach™.

Careers: Optimism & Realism to Be The One

Picture a decision maker about to decide who will be the one that gets the job, the promotion, the plum assignment, or the exciting new team or venture to lead. Beyond qualifications, what will sway the decision to go your favor? Exhibiting the powerful duo of optimism and realism! Read more …

A Winning Response to Customers’ Complaints About Teammates

Customer facing employees, service reps, and technical support reps often feel torn when customers’ criticize and complain about their service teammates. There is no need to be stuck in the middle. Here are 3 key reminders to generate a winning response and re-secure loyal customer connections.

Leadership, What’s So Hot About Humility Anyway?

Humility was rarely on the traditional list of leadership traits. Although it now makes the list, many leaders still doubt its value — until they experience its natural power when leading change.

Customer Experience Essentials for Former Government Contractors

If you have been working in government and now in the business world, shift your lens to what for-profit companies expect and do a new take on customer service. Here are the 5 essentials of customer experience from The People-Skills Coach™.

Leaders, THE Threat to Superior Customer Experience

A recent expose on CBS Sunday Morning highlighted the derogatory names that companies use about their customers. As I watched with sadness and wonderment, I began to write this post about THE threat to superior customer experience. I welcome your insights as well as shout outs about companies that do deliver!

For Effective Hiring in 21st Century, Engage Candidates in Action Interviews

To hire the best talent in the 21st century, engage job candidates in action interviews. Posing questions to job candidates in interviews, no matter how behaviorally based, won’t show what they will actually contribute.