
Defensive Responses That Tell Customers They Don’t Matter #CX #PeopleSkills

Defensive Reactions: Image is a large branch with thorns.

These defensive responses to customers tell them they don’t matter! Stop saying them. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ , Author of Leading Morale. Service excellence, leadership, teamwork.

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Why Be Nice to Angry Unhappy Customers? | #PeopleSkills #CustServ

Angry Unhappy Customers: Image is unhappy emoticon w/ thumbs down.

Why must we be nice to difficult unhappy customers who treat us badly? The answer is not what you think! Simple truth from Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™ for customer service morale.

The 12 Most Desired Yet Unrequested Forms of Care | #Leadership

If people at work or home say you aren’t very caring when they feel bad, you will find this list of 12 forms of care to be very helpful. Instead of screaming out “tell me what you want”, increase your career and personal relationships with the emotional intelligence here…

Rude Angry Customers: 5 Ways to Stay Calm & Caring | #Custserv #Peopleskills

Rude Angry Customers: Image is flower with thorns.

Working with rude angry customers doesn’t have to wear you down. It can actually be one of the best people skills learning experiences of your life. Think these 5 things for best results and to increase emotional intelligence. Great EQ EI tips fr The People SKills Coach™,

Reduce Conflict: Do You Hear the Urgency Before the Yell? #peopleskills

Reduce Conflict: Image is a cartoon of a bee with a magnifying glass looking for the urgency.

Essential listening tips from The People Skills Coach™: 5 places to hear the urgency before the yell to reduce conflict in business.

Empathy in Customer Care – Lose Your Fear!

Does fear of emotion stop you from giving empathy especially to angry or irate customers that call? Lose your fear to build bonds in customer service, customer care, and tech. support. Here’s how.

How To Handle Irate or Angry Customers, Would You Want This?

There are customer service training programs out there teaching how to handle an irate or angry customer and giving horrible advice. Do you want your CSRs and technical support reps saying this? Would you want it said to you when you are angry or irate?