
Best Customer Experience: Be Plentiful & Ready | #CX #CustServ

Super Customer Experience: Image is large bunch of peaches.

To deliver the best customer experience be plentiful & ready in these specific ways. Insights from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

Customer Service: Turn Sudden Relationships into Bonds | #custserv #cx

Customer Service Relationships to Bonds: Image is Door Cracked Open.

Customer service is a case of sudden relationship.. CSRs, agents, and tech support analysts build rapport while solving problems. The best use these 8 steps to overcome the lack of trust and understanding that longer term relationships enjoy.

19 Outstanding People Skills of Best Customer Service Reps

Best Customer Service Reps: Image is Light house beaming.

The very best customer service reps exhibit these outstanding people skills. Checklist from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Two Magical Words for Best 21st Century People Skills | #peopleskills

Two Magical Words: Image is a magician's wand & hat.

What two magical words do you think would enhance interactions for teamwork, collaboration, & innovation? Answer fr The People Skills Coach™.

Leaders, Best 4 Steps to Engage Employees’ Initiative

Employee engagement is not a wishy-washy idea. It is the tangible actions that unlock passion & know-how to achieve any goal. Leaders, build the BEST with these 4 steps.

Team Members: Our Future is Behind Every Customer

CSRs and TSRs get tunnel vision in stress or the daily grind. Yet our future is behind every customer. Our vision must see it. Here is a 9 point call to greatness for leaders to inspire the best customer service. Posters and cards of this will be available in a few weeks.

Leaders, Leave Meetings. Get to a Meeting of the Minds!

Leaders, in the workplace we have multicultural teams, virtual technology, global reach & still ineffective meetings. Here’s 8 reasons from The People-Skills Coach™ to try a meeting of the minds instead!

Simply Great Choices Create Super Customer Experience

When you get frustrated with customer behavior, are you tempted to respond badly? Call centers, contact centers, customer care teams, technical support departments — here is the antidote to your frustration! Here are 7 common situations and simply great choices.

Bury These 4 Phrases for Best Teamwork & People-Skills

Phrases that team members see as disrespectful (regardless of your intentions) can hurt teamwork and your workplace relationship. Bury these four phrases … What other phrases would you bury?

6 Great Ways to Neutralize Annoying People

Are there people in your work or personal life that annoy the hell out of you? Provoke you to emotion? You can neutralize the effect they have on you w/6 people-skills replies. Read more …

Best CSRs Beat Attribution Error in Customer Service

Customer service and customer experience leaders, the best CSRs see tough moments as difficult *situations not difficult *customers. Here’s why they shine & how to train others.

Hiring: A Natural Call to Customer Service

Leaders, business owners, non-profits: Here’s how to spot and hire people who are naturally great at customer service. They give you the freedom to trust them to wow the customer. They give the customer the ultimate customer service. They give your organization a financial advantage.

Best & Worst Customer Experience: From Known to Unknown

In times of change, do your customers experience “becoming an unknown” after being treated as known valued customers? Avoid this serious business risk with these steps to prevent “un-knowing” your customers.

Four Practices for the Best Professional People Skills

Ever meet someone who is very good with all different types of people? In the workplace you see their professional people skills shine in various situations. You wonder, “What makes them so successful with diverse people and in widely different situations?” Look more closely or speak with them and you will find that the best professional people skills develop from these four practices.

Customer Service Inspiration for Training the Best

As we near the end of National Customer Service Week 2010, the endless demand for superior service lives on. To help train for the best, I offer these customer service inspirational thoughts. Let them retool your teams’ skills, revive your spirit, and refuel your engines so that daily work becomes a daily celebration with customers. There are 9 thoughts — please add your #10!

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