call center

Irresistible Customer Experience: What Every Customer Wants #CX

Irresistible Customer Experience: Image is pictoquote of Make positive thinking our way of life.

Delivering an irresistible customer experience is easier than you think and worth the effort! Tips fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale.

Great Contact Center Reps: The Secret to Saying No | #PeopleSkills #cctr

Great Call Center Reps: Image is sun shining on a sunflower.

Great contact center reps and agents spend most of their time saying yes and delivering resolutions to customers. However, sometimes they must say no. There is a secret set of steps for doing that well. Image by Frederic Gombert via Flickr Creative Commons License. Great Contact Center Reps Know How to Say No Most of […]

Customer Service Incompetence: Empathy Only For Tears | #CX #PeopleSkills

Customer Service Incompetence: Image is a tear from someone's eye.

Lack of empathy for customers is customer service incompetence. Give customers empathy long before they cry or leave. Insights fr The People Skills Coach™.

Super Customer Experience: Feelings Aren’t Random

See behind the emotion.

Super customer service experience is about positive feelings but leaders grouse that they can’t build a business on the randomness of feelings. Well customer feelings are NOT random. Look behind the impact of the customer’s request and you’ll find the pain and then deliver the gain — for them and for you.

These Everyday Customer Service Actions Produce Consequential Results

Trivial Customer Service Actions: Image is gold faucet drip looking like pendant.

Excellent customer service isn’t single wows. It’s everyday customer service actions creating trusted brand & great results. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

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Stellar Customer Experience: Is Unconscious Bias Ruining Service?

Stellar Customer Experience: Image is people in an airplane.

Is unconscious implicit bias ruining your otherwise stellar customer experience & service? Examples and insight from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

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Discover Customer Experience Moments & Details | #cx

Discover Customer Experience: Image is a sunlit fanned object.

Discover customer experience greatness not in the depths of complex strategy. Find it in moments of attitude & detail. Insights from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Perky Customer Service Incompetence – Why Bother? | #cx #custserv

Perky Customer Service Incompetence: Image is Square w/ four found two toned dots.

Perky customer service is valuable when combined w/ problem solving & action. Management & customer experience training insights fr The People Skills Coach™.

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Customer Experience: Loyalty Through Narcissism?

Customer Experience: Image is Box w/ News Flash

Super customer experience is achieved when you think from the customer perspective not from yours. Involve them & win their loyalty. 4 ways to win big.

19 Outstanding People Skills of Best Customer Service Reps

Best Customer Service Reps: Image is Light house beaming.

The very best customer service reps exhibit these outstanding people skills. Checklist from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Customer Service Leaders: Remove These Morale Killers | #Leadership

Customer Service Leaders: Image is sign Danger Falling Morale

Customer service leaders, are you unknowingly killing employee morale? Checklist from The People Skills Coach™ & remove these morale killers. | Leadership

Memorable Customer Experience: Far Deeper Than a Smile | #CX

Memorable Customer Experience: Image is Delta Calgary South Hotel

Truly memorable customer experience is not transaction; it is great interaction. The People Skills Coach™ shares memorable exp at Delta Calgary South Hotel and tips to all hotel leaders & reps on doing the same thing!

Conquer Listening Barriers: Unstick from Keywords | #peopleskills

Conquer Listening Barriers: Image is a head blindfolded w/ book attached.

Conquer listening barriers, esp, the hidden barrier of getting stuck on keywords. 3 steps fr The People Skills Coach™. | Leadership, Customer Service, Teamwork.

Super Customer Service People Skills: Reverse Regret | #custserv

Super Customer Service People Skills: Image is Blue Egg w/ Letter R

Super customer service has little room for regret. By then customers are gone. Key service people skills to master from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Rude Angry Customers: 5 Ways to Stay Calm & Caring | #Custserv #Peopleskills

Rude Angry Customers: Image is flower with thorns.

Working with rude angry customers doesn’t have to wear you down. It can actually be one of the best people skills learning experiences of your life. Think these 5 things for best results and to increase emotional intelligence. Great EQ EI tips fr The People SKills Coach™,

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