Customer Experience: Loyalty Through Narcissism?

Customer Experience: Image is Box w/ News Flash

Super customer experience is achieved when you think from the customer perspective not from yours. Involve them & win their loyalty. 4 ways to win big.

Intuitive Leadership: How Non-Intuitive Leaders Lead Intuitive Employees

Intuitive Leadership: Image is word Intuition in background of colored smoke

Intuitive Leadership: Ways non-intuitive leaders can lead and benefit from intuitive employees. Latest insight fr The People Skills Coach™. | Employee Engagement.

IT Customer Service Training: Logic to Empathy #CIO #ITIL

IT Customer Service Training: Image is stick figures working together.

IT Customer Service training teaches empathy to logic based teams. From this you get org. collaboration & cross teamwork between technical and non-technical teams. After 25 years of teaching IT Customer Service to programmers, operations staff and tech support reps, I share in this post some of the keys to doing it. They are very capable of developing great people skills.

Customer Service Tech Support Leaders: The True #PeopleSkills Job

Customer Service Tech Support: Image is words Need Help?

To hire best customer service tech support agents, add these attitudes and people skills to the job description you advertise! From The People Skills Coach™.

Customer Service Defined to Be Unforgettable

Customer service defined. Image is a scale w/ books on left, heart on right.

To deliver unforgettable customer service inside or outside of your organization, first start with this simple effective definition. It will take you far and high!

Customer Service Guest Post – 15 Essential Beliefs for Excellence

Customer service excellence: Image is mind thinking.

This guest post I wrote for blog offers 15 essential beliefs for excellence in customer service & sales. Our actions follow our beliefs. After you read these 15, add the beliefs that have led you to success with your specific customers!

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How Leaders Retard Customer Service Excellence

6 ways leaders unknowingly lower the bar of service excellence in customer care & IT technical support. Insight and solutions from customer service maven Kate Nasser.