
8 Uncaring Workplace Reasons to Create a Caring Workplace | #LeadMorale

Uncaring Workplace: Picture is a half ditched row boat.

Uncaring workplace reasons to create a caring workplace. by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale | Leadership

Teamwork Weaknesses: Are You Making Teamwork Difficult? #Teambuilding

Teamwork Weaknesses: Image is paving stones w/ bits of broken chains in them.

When you think of teamwork weaknesses, what jumps to your mind? There are the standard images of some teammates not contributing and not being accountable. Yet because these are so visible, they are easier to address. Here are some subtle actions that you may be doing that make it difficult for others to be teammates […]

Team Harmony: Leaders, Are You Needlessly Sacrificing Great Results? #LeadMorale

Team Harmony: Image are zen rocks stacked but tipping.

Leaders your organization can have team harmony, high morale & great results IF you address these 4 issues. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author Leading Morale

Easy Leadership Shifts: 5 Moves to Engage Employees | #EmployeeEngagement

Leadership: Image is 5 speed gear shift

Employee Engagement: Sustain morale even in tough times. 5 easy leadership shifts to engage employees. Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™

Leaders, Inspire Future Resilience & Can-Do Attitudes w/ Happy Endings

Inspire Future Resilience: Image is Acacia plan growing in concrete.

Leadership: Inspire future resilience & committed can-do attitudes w/ stories of happy endings. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale

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Leadership Uncertainty: How to See Truth About Employee People Skills

Leadership Uncertainty: Image is surfer on board in rough waters.

How to overcome your leadership uncertainty about terminating employee w/ horrible people skills. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale

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These Leadership Questions Revive Team Commitment | #LeadMorale

Leadership Questions Team Commitment: Image is flower blooming among dead twigs.

These leadership questions revive team commitment & move you forward. 30 years of real-time experience from consultant Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale.

Positive Resolve Handling Bullies: JOIN Global #PeopleSkillsChat SUN. Jan 24th

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

Explore positive resolve & people skills to handle bullies in Global Twitter #PeopleSkillsChat w/ host Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™. Join us Sun. Jan. 24th 10am EST to discuss how to handle bullies.

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True Employee Engagement: Appreciate & Recognize | #LeadMorale

True Employee Engagement: Image is the word Grow w/ fingers walking up the letters.

For true employee engagement & morale, praise daily not just outstanding performance. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author of Leading Morale

How to Resist These Irresistible Customer Service Urges | #CX #CustServ

Customer Service Urges: Image is talk bubble w/ shark fin coming out of the top.

Resist these customer service urges that you will otherwise regret. Latest tips fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ | Leadership Customer Experience

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Customer Service: Prevent Speedy Blind Handoffs | #CX #CustServ

Beware Blind Handoffs: Image is two hands not connecting.

Avoid this common & disastrous customer service mistake — the blind handoffs. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, customer service consultant & trainer.

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Lead Customer Service Morale: Overcome These Obstacles | #LeadMorale #CustServ

Lead Customer Service Morale: Image is a dial pointing to maximum morale

Overcome these obstacles to lead customer service morale. From customer experience maven Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, author of Leading Morale | Leadership, Employee Engagement, Teamwork

What Constant Naysayers Really Do | #PeopleSkills #ProfessionalDevelopment

Constant Naysayers: Image is a giant red X symbolizing blockage.

What do constant naysayers really do? What is their true effect on others at work? Insights fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ | Leadership & Teamwork

Power of ONE: Join #PeopleSkillsChat April 28th Guest host @TomJ_Rhodes

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

Join global Twitter #PeopleSkillsChat SUN. April 28th to explore the Power of One to make a difference. Host: Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

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These Trivial Leadership Actions Create Consequential Results

Trivial Leadership Actions: Image is person laying bricks.

Leaders, do you consider your everyday steps to be mundane even unimportant? They’re not. These so-called trivial leadership actions create these consequential results. Experience from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

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