Customer Service: Turn Sudden Relationships into Bonds | #custserv #cx

Customer Service Relationships to Bonds: Image is Door Cracked Open.

Customer service is a case of sudden relationship.. CSRs, agents, and tech support analysts build rapport while solving problems. The best use these 8 steps to overcome the lack of trust and understanding that longer term relationships enjoy.

The Apology – Perfect Chance to Build Trust in Yourself! | #PeopleSkills

The Apology: Image is flipping a coin. Take a chance!

A sincere apology rebuilds trust w/ others. Ironically, it also builds trust in yourself. Do you or someone you know have trouble apologizing? Here’s some inspiration for leaders, team members, technical professionals, & customer service reps.

19 Outstanding People Skills of Best Customer Service Reps

Best Customer Service Reps: Image is Light house beaming.

The very best customer service reps exhibit these outstanding people skills. Checklist from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Super Customer Experience: Loyalty not Imprisonment! | #cx #custserv

Customer Experience Leaders & Chief Customer Officers & Marketing Executives: These 3 common mistakes make customers want to leave. In design, service, & delivery — fix these & build loyalty.

Does Knowledge & Experience Dull Our Empathy? |#leadership #custserv

Experience Dull Empathy: Image is T-shirt saying You're Stupid.

Empathy is so important for business relationships and often missing. Does knowledge & experience dull empathy? Insights fr , The People Skills Coach™.

11 Surefire Beliefs for Superior Customer Experience #custserv #cx

Customer Experience Beliefs: Image is the neon sign "belief".

Our customer experience beliefs guide our actions. Here are 11 to deliver superior customer experience. Tips fr The People Skills Coach™.

Customer Experience Superstars: Their Celebratory Give & Take! #CX

Employee Engagement: Image are gold stars.

Customer experience superstars distinguish themselves in these 11 ways. Join them & wow the customers! Insight fr The People Skills Coach™ keynote.

Superior Customer Experience: Above & Beyond Question #Custserv

Superior Customer Experience: Image is Telescope view from Eiffel Tower

Superior customer experience is not just giving customers what they ask for nor giving them what we think is best. Go beyond the request w/ these 3 steps to see what the customer is picturing!

Leaders Customer Service: Primarily Change or Status Quo?

Image: S Shape Signifies Change

Leaders customer service is all about change. Every single customer call is to change the current situation to one more satisfying. Even a purchase is to change something in their work or life. Do you lead & engage all in this vision?

How Leaders Retard Customer Service Excellence

6 ways leaders unknowingly lower the bar of service excellence in customer care & IT technical support. Insight and solutions from customer service maven Kate Nasser.

Super Customer Experience: What Do We Want Them to Feel?

When agents, reps, & CSRs ask how to stay positive when customers take advantage, it’s time for leaders to establish a culture of super customer experience. Here’s the question we all need to ask to do just that!

The Heart & Core of Super Customer Experience

When a company operates from its heart to the the hearts of its customers, it’s likely to deliver in an outstanding way. Then why isn’t there more super customer experience and service? How can we ensure that customer care radiates in every moment? Explore these 5 ways during this National Customer Service Week.

Customer Service Leaders: Are Your Limits Actually Roadblocks?

Every service function has certain structure & limits. Yet when customers experience useless hoops to jump through they jump ship. Here’s how to keep ’em.

A Winning Response to Customers’ Complaints About Teammates

Customer facing employees, service reps, and technical support reps often feel torn when customers’ criticize and complain about their service teammates. There is no need to be stuck in the middle. Here are 3 key reminders to generate a winning response and re-secure loyal customer connections.

Customer Experience: Using Jargon Requires Huge Leap of Faith

Leaders and experienced reps all know that speaking jargon can kill a customer experience. Moreover, listening w/ jargon can kill the relationship! Two short stories from The People-Skills Coach™ illustrate the true impact and how to avoid the blunders of jargon Jabberwocky.

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