
Customer Experience Leaders: Remove the Never Ever Rules | #cx #cco

Customer Experience Leaders: Image is "STOP".

Customer experience leaders, find & remove all the “never ever” rules that rule & ruin your customers’ experience. Insights from The People-Skills Coach™.

Customer Service 24 Tips: Customers Want it Easy & Valuable

Customer service: Image is button that says "easy".

Customer service leaders, focus on making service EASY & valuable & watch customers bond w/ your brand! 24 tips fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Customer Support: Is It Actually Everyone’s Job? #Custserv

Customer Support: Image is the words themselves.

Leaders, in your company is customer support everyone’s job? Is everyone doing customer service? I am doing several posts on customer centricity. In this post I interview Vikram Bhaskaran to learn Freshdesk’s vision & lessons learned from flattening the traditional (hierarchical) customer support model.

People Skills: Essential Beliefs to Achieve Interdependence #peopleskills

People Skills: Interdependence Image is connected beams.

People skills are built on foundation of interdependence not possible w/ independence alone. To achieve success, overcome myths of interdependence and embrace these essential beliefs. Insights from The People Skills Coach™.

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Customer Service Tech Support Leaders: The True #PeopleSkills Job

Customer Service Tech Support: Image is words Need Help?

To hire best customer service tech support agents, add these attitudes and people skills to the job description you advertise! From The People Skills Coach™.

Customer Service Teams & Controversy: Leaders Are You Ready?

Customer Service Teams: Image is a Taxi as in the story.

Leaders, do you know if your customer service teams will take sides in midst of controversy? True story, effect on customers, people skills lessons learned. Don’t let this happen on your watch!!!

Customer Experience Leaders: Are You Leading Cattle Call?

Customer Experience Leaders: Image is little cattle figures lined up.

Customer experience leaders, have you gotten so focused on big picture & profit, that you treat customers like a cattle call? Simple ways to check & fix.

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People Skills: Precursors to #Peopleskills Influence

People Skills: Precursors to Trust Image is Tree branch with other branchs growing from it.

People skills can influence others IF we take these steps to see others’ views and build trust. Fr The People-Skills Coach™. || Sales, service, teamwork, leadership.