Posted in inspiration, People Skills, People Skills Chat, Tweets
Emotional balance & resilience in pers & professional relationships is people skills chat topic w/ host Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™. Join us Sun. Nov. 8th 10am EST and share your experience.
Posted in inspiration, People Skills, People Skills Chat, Tweets
JOIN weekly global People Skills Chat on Twitter Feb. 17, 10amET to explore staying positive in hot debate/disputes. Host: Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.
Posted in Coaching Professional, Hot Topics and New Bits, inspiration, People Skills, Soft Skills
Confidence makes many feel secure, safe, and grounded. Yet learning requires an awareness of what we don’t know. With it comes a confidence hiccup. Some can handle that and embrace learning. Others are terrified by it and shun learning. When are we too confident to learn? Read more …
Posted in Customer Service, People Skills, Soft Skills
Your thoughts when you are with customers transmit like a satellite to them and to your daily happiness. Start your day with these 5 emotionally intelligent thoughts to deliver the best customer service and keep yourself happy.