
Business Leadership: Who Are Your Customers’ Advocates? #cx #custserv

Business Leadership: Image is two hands joined.

Does your business leadership produce an entire company of customer advocates? If not, your customers experience these horrible moments and likely leave.

Entrepreneurs People Skills: 6 Needless Costly Mistakes #custexp

Entrepreneurs People Skills: Image is neon sign saying open for biz.

Entrepreneurs people skills: These 6 needless mistakes cost you customers. Instead, use these no cost customer experience tips from The People Skills Coach™.

Super Customer Experience on the Road of Transparency

Here’s a current story of old time sales manipulation that backfired but good. 5 quick positive lessons to ensure your business wins big w/ customers. Travel the road of transparency and create lasting memories of trust that build your brand!

Leaders, Engage Employees Through Entrepreneurial Spirit

There are many employees who want the security of a paycheck yet ache to contribute and learn more. Engage these 6 entrepreneurial traits in employees for innovative and transformational results in business.

We Are Selfish Websites & the Customer Experience

Every website has a people-skills message and personality. What’s yours? Does it selfishly try to squeeze & capture customers or does it deliver value to engage and build loyalty?

The Creative Profit of Illogical Success

How can creative person turn artistry into profit? Graphic designer and entrepreneur Kimb Tiboni has written Illogical Success to tell you how. Book review.

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