fear of change

Discover More Openness: JOIN Global #PeopleSkillsChat SUN. Aug. 28th

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

Discover openness & open-mindedness in global #PeopleSkillsChat on Twitter w/ host Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™, Lead Morale & Change

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Handling Significant Changes: JOIN Global #PeopleSkillsChat June 28th

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

What makes handling significant changes tough & how can we all do it better together? JOIN Twitter global #PeopleSkillsChat Sun. June 28th 10am EDT w/ host Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

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Workplace Inclusion: Champion the Start | #leadership #PeopleSkills

Workplace Inclusion: Image is large glass sphere w/ different colors.

The arguments against workplace inclusion are weak & illogical. They damage the future success of the business. Accept that people gave you a starting chance & hire diverse staff. Leadership, management, and hiring Insight from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

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Leadership: 5 Keys to Succeeding With Leaders Who Crave Change

Have you ever worked with/for people who crave change? 5 keys to understanding & succeeding with them from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ |Leadership Teamwork Employee Engagement

Transition People Skills: JOIN #PeopleSkills Chat Aug. 7

Putting People Down: Image is people skills logo.

Transitions/change in your life can challenge your relationships. How do transition people skills help you? Join The People Skills Coach™ to explore this topic in #PeopleSkills global Twitter chat SUN. Aug. 7th 10amET.

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Change Resistance: Seek & Replace Crippling Fears | #Leadership

Change Resistance: Image is person peaking up out of a hole.

We read many leadership posts on change resistance. In the end, we must find & dispel the fears to succeed. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Leadership Bias: Are You Unknowingly Showing Discomfort w/ Diversity?

Leadership Bias: Image is a closed door w/ sign that says no admittance without pass from office.

Is your leadership bias against diversity leaking out in your words & deeds? Check yourself with this action list from The People Skills Coach™.

Breakthrough Leadership: Prevent Egotism w/ Self-Confidence | #peopleskills

Leaders, how do you know that your self-confidence – positive force – is not egotism, a stifling force? True self-confidence prevents egotism in these ways and fuels true humility!

Flexibility in Life: JOIN #Peopleskills Chat June 8th 10amET

Putting People Down: Image is people skills logo.

Flexibility in life can open us to many new worlds. Is it easy/difficult, scary/exciting? Explore in global Twitter people skills chat (#Peopleskills).

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Leading Change: Are You Strong Enough Not to Leave Scars? #peopleskills

Leading Change: Image is a Stone Rippling Even Trails in Sand

Leading change takes inner strength that allows you as leaders to usher in change w/o leaving scars that slow success. Insights fr The People-Skills Coach™.

Change Leaders: The Beloved Bully Is Stopping You!

Change Leaders: Habit is the Beloved Bully.

Change leaders — all leaders — face one giant challenge in creating change: the beloved bully. Do you know what the beloved bully is? Here’s how to find it, oust it, and inspire change!

Leaders, Are You Confusing Change Fatigue & Change Resistance?

Leaders who crave change are often blind to the change fatigue they create. They assume it is the typical change resistance and continue with frequent changes. This is a pricey misstep. If you are a high change leader, prevent change fatigue with these 4 steps.

Want Success? Don’t Let Fear Be the Gum on Your Shoe

Image is "Shoe w/ gum stuck."

Stuck in a rut even though you see what to do and where to go? Fear doesn’t have to be the gum on your shoe. Here’s the one step that removes the gum.

Leaders: Can a Change Resistor Get You to Oz?

Leaders, top performers who resist change in the workplace can take the organization down unless you redefine what top performance means! The steps..

Thriving in Change: Scale Down to Step Up

In your professional life do you lead & handle change well or delay out of false hope or fear. People who thrive in change follow this simple idea. Read more …

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