
Hotel Customer Experience: Are Your Employees Problem Solvers? | #CX

Hotel Customer Experience: Image is front desk of a hotel

Hotel leaders, are your employees problem solvers? Do they deliver the very best hotel customer experience? Regardless of what type of hotel you run, your customers expect your hotel employees to solve their problems — all the time. You may be thinking that they can’t do it every single time. OK that makes sense. Yet […]

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Customer Service Mindset: Key Link in the Chain not Life in Chains | #custserv #LeadMorale

Customer Service Mindset: Image is rope with chain connected.

Customer Service Mindset: Be a key link in the chain of success. It’s service not servitude. Best in service insights fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Customer Experience Leadership: What Customers Wish We’d Do | #CX

Customer Experience Leadership: Image is round band with the word hope on it.

As we explore customer experience leadership, it’s amazing how much we learn from asking the simple question, What do customers wish we would do? The answers to this question ensure that our customer experience leadership focuses on what truly matters to customers. So let’s look at those answers! Image by Michael W. May via Flickr […]

Indulgent Customer Experience: Are You Ready to Frolic? | #CX

Indulgent Customer Experience; Image is two people dancing in a field.

Indulgent Customer Experience: Indulge your customers & enjoy the joy you awaken in them. How & why fr Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™. | #Carnival #CX

Memorable Customer Experience: Far Deeper Than a Smile | #CX

Memorable Customer Experience: Image is Delta Calgary South Hotel

Truly memorable customer experience is not transaction; it is great interaction. The People Skills Coach™ shares memorable exp at Delta Calgary South Hotel and tips to all hotel leaders & reps on doing the same thing!

Superior Customer Experience: Above & Beyond Question #Custserv

Superior Customer Experience: Image is Telescope view from Eiffel Tower

Superior customer experience is not just giving customers what they ask for nor giving them what we think is best. Go beyond the request w/ these 3 steps to see what the customer is picturing!

Customer Service Teams & Controversy: Leaders Are You Ready?

Customer Service Teams: Image is a Taxi as in the story.

Leaders, do you know if your customer service teams will take sides in midst of controversy? True story, effect on customers, people skills lessons learned. Don’t let this happen on your watch!!!

Do You WOW Customers With Every Exception?

From the customer’s perspective, exceptional customer experience comes from exceptions to you standard procedures. Here are 3 questions to determine how agile your teams are.

Visionary Experience Leaders, Are You Conquering Customer Loyalty?

Leaders, are you planting deep roots to grow customer loyalty or trying to conquer w/ a veneer of customer care? Real life examples from The People-Skills Coach™.

Super Opportunity to Improve Every Customer Experience Survey

Leaders: What does your customer experience survey tell your customers about your philosophy? Consider this super opportunity to improve it with these 6 changes.

Hotel Customer Loyalty: Easy Exceptions +

You’ve read that customer loyalty comes from service that’s easy for customers. In hospitality industry, customer loyalty comes from easy exceptions + read more …