
New Situation People Skills: Are Yours Ready? | #PeopleSkills

New Situation People Skills: Image is a red/white warning sign labeled NEW

How good are your new situation people skills? Do you make a great first impression in every new interaction and situation? by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

New Job People Skills: Use These Essentials | #PeopleSkills

New Job People Skills: Image is Being at Office on Day One.

You have a new position. Use these essential new job people skills for a positive start & great finish! Latest career tips fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™. | Leadership & Teamwork

Positive Customer Service Results from Everyday People Skills | #custserv

Positive Customer Service Results: Image is the word CARE.

National Customer Service Week Leadership: 3 one min. videos from Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™ to inspire & create positive customer service results!

Making Great First Impressions JOIN #Peopleskills Chat July 13th

Putting People Down: Image is people skills logo.

Making great first impressions can be the difference between building and burning bridges. Build your skills w/ The People Skills Coach™ in Sunday’s #peopleskills global Twitter chat at 10am ET.

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Modern People Skills Reminders for Social Media Greatness #peopleskills

Modern People Skills: Image is sign "Strangers Hall"

Civility enhances interaction because it cushions it with respect. Try these modern people skills tips from The People-Skills Coach™ on social media and beyond — especially when interacting with people who don’t know you well!

People-Skills: What’s Your Impression?

The impression you make on others impacts the results. This is the world of people-skills. What’s your impression? Do you know?