
Reach Out to Transform Customer Experience in IT | #CIOs #CFOs #CX

Transform Customer Experience; Image is hands over a keyboard.

Information technology (IT) teams can transform customer experience w/ these steps even w/ high demand. Insights from IT customer service coach Kate Nasser.

CIOs Checklist: Are Your IT Teams Truly Customer Focused? | #CX #CustServ

CIOS Checklist: Image is customer satisfaction box

CIOS, IT Directors, Managers – If your customers still say you lack customer focus, use these 12 insights to reshape your information technology culture and deliver the ultimate IT customer service.

Super Customer Experience: Are Your Teams Tooled & Ready?

In this age of instant information, customers define a super customer experience partly as quick access to info. Are your front line teams ready? Are your agents and technical support analysts all tooled with information? Here’s a checklist.

The Guts of Great Service in Tough Times

The guts of great customer service — especially in tough times — is something your org. already has and costs very little. When you do it well, the results are positively startling. Do you know what it is?