Posted in Careers & Jobs, Employee Engagement, Leadership, Leading Morale, People Skills
Leaders, do your actions drive employees to focus on proving themselves to you or improving their contributions to the organization and its success? Here’s a checklist to assess what culture you have created!
Posted in Coaching Professional, Leadership, Leading Morale, People Skills, Soft Skills
Leadership: When you criticize employees do they hear value or contempt? Rethink criticism w/ tips from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale
Posted in Leadership, Leading Morale, People Skills, Soft Skills
Would you like to know the reasons new leaders fail even after they have taken a top-notch leadership training program? I remember once such incident at one of my clients. The new leader in question had finished one of the best leadership training programs yet was exhibiting the worst leadership behaviors. I spoke to the […]
Posted in inspiration, intercultural, Leadership, Leading Morale, morale, People Skills, Soft Skills
To respect cultural diversity, start with learning how to pronounce other people’s names. In any work setting, you are bound to meet people from different cultures with names you’ve rarely heard. If you’re not sure how to pronounce their names, ask them. It shows you care about getting to know them. Moreover, it shows that […]
Posted in inspiration, Leadership, Leading Morale, People Skills, Soft Skills, Teamwork, Thriving in Change
Team Players: What are the differences between a valuable initiator & a maverick? Kate Nasser, Author Leading Morale provides checklist for you.
Posted in Leadership, Leading Morale, People Skills, Soft Skills
Connected Leadership: When you learn these things about those you lead/manage, you lead morale & success. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author of Leading Morale.
Posted in Careers & Jobs, Leadership, Leading Morale, morale, People Skills, Soft Skills, Teamwork
How not to be annoyed w/ high maintenance colleagues & employees. by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ Author, Leading Morale | Leadership Teamwork
Posted in Hot Topics and New Bits, Leadership, People Skills, Soft Skills
Leaders, turn these 8 common people skills mistakes into brilliance in leadership, employee engagement, & customer experience. by Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™.
Posted in Employee Engagement, Leadership, People Skills, Soft Skills
Words that driver type leaders hate & what to say instead. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale | Leadership
Posted in Leadership, People Skills, Teamwork
Leaders don’t get stuck in these people skills leadership dilemmas. Discuss these 3 truths w/ teams for employee engagement & trust. Insights from The People-Skills Coach™.
Posted in Employee Engagement, Leadership, Leading Morale, People Skills, Teamwork
Is your company culture one of learning & winning or just winning? Here’s why it matters! Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale | Leadership
Posted in Careers & Jobs, Leadership, Leading Morale, People Skills, Soft Skills
Bullies’ awareness of silly mistakes they make can help them stop bullying. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale | Trust, Respect, Leadership
Posted in Hiring Talent, Leadership, People Skills
Replace these toxic leadership behaviors that repel talented employees. What other behaviors do you think leaders should eliminate? Checklist from The People Skills Coach™.
Posted in Leadership, Leading Morale, Listening Power, morale, People Skills, Soft Skills, Teamwork
Here’s why teamwork promises must include accountability. Experiences from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale
Posted in Employee Engagement, inspiration, Leadership, Leading Morale, People Skills, Soft Skills, Teamwork
Accusations create trouble for work relationships. Transform accusations into valuable discussions by using this people skills approach. Latest from Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™ | Lead Morale | Leadership | Teamwork | Customer Service.
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