Posted in People Skills, People Skills Chat, Tweets
People continue to join online communities and it’s time to ask why? Join us in Twitter people skills chat this Sunday 10am ET (#peopleskills) to explore this 21st century trend. Host: The People Skills Coach™.
Posted in inspiration, People Skills
Twitter & texting is incredibly valuable in expressing grief. Which is why, amid all the lamentation about technology killing personal interaction, I say bring it on. Here is guest blogger Pattie Roberts’ story.
Posted in Careers & Jobs, Thriving in Change
Baby Boomers & Gen X out of work? How will you compete with the younger workers for jobs? Leverage “you”. Prepare simple statements that explain why you over the younger workers. Samples …
Posted in Careers & Jobs, IT
How to get your special job with only 75% of the skills? My actionable advice is …