Posted in Coaching Professional, inspiration, Leadership, Leading Morale, People Skills, Soft Skills
When coaching employees to change their behaviors for greater success, there is one very important step to remember. Use action words to guide them to actionable change vs. judgmental labels that lead nowhere. Here’s how. Image by Jeshu John via Coaching Employees: The Key Step So many times leaders and managers take on the […]
Posted in Leadership, Thriving in Change
Leaders, are your direct reports breeding success or are they a wart on the arm of progress? Here are 5 warts to look for and cure for business success.
Posted in inspiration, People Skills, People Skills Chat, Tweets
JOIN People Skills global Twitter chat SUN Dec.3, 10amET to share & learn steps of resolving conflict. Host Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™. | Leadership, Teamwork, Customer Service
Posted in Careers & Jobs, Coaching Professional, Hot Topics and New Bits, People Skills, Soft Skills
Do you wish people would be more upfront with you and give you direct feedback? Make it easy for them w/ these steps. Leadership & teamwork tips fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.
Posted in Hot Topics and New Bits, inspiration, Listening Power, People Skills
Pushing boundaries may trample others. Replace the old don’t ask for permission beg for forgiveness motto w/ this new approach fr The People Skills Coach™.
Posted in Customer Service, Listening Power, People Skills, Soft Skills
The very best customer service reps exhibit these outstanding people skills. Checklist from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.
Posted in Customer Service, Hot Topics and New Bits
Leaders, are you planting deep roots to grow customer loyalty or trying to conquer w/ a veneer of customer care? Real life examples from The People-Skills Coach™.
Posted in Customer Service, Hot Topics and New Bits, inspiration, People Skills, Soft Skills
In customer service, what you picture you create. To deliver the best customer service or technical support, use the picture this airline rep in this story created. Here’s the true story and the lasting message of customer service inspiration.
Posted in Customer Service, Hot Topics and New Bits, Listening Power, People Skills, Sales
Obviously, in sales and customer service, listening is critical to success. Not so obvious is how to listen for customer cares when your mind is processing your own perspective. What’s in it for you to work on this? Sales & service fail when you don’t address customer cares. Moreover, customers even select higher priced products […]
Posted in People Skills, Sales, Soft Skills
Ever meet someone who is very good with all different types of people? In the workplace you see their professional people skills shine in various situations. You wonder, “What makes them so successful with diverse people and in widely different situations?” Look more closely or speak with them and you will find that the best professional people skills develop from these four practices.