
Leaders, Are You Misjudging Employee Confidence? | #Leadership #LeadMorale

Employee Confidence: Image is diverse employees.

Leaders, are you misjudging employee confidence because of what you think confidence looks like? To lead well & inspire great morale, use these steps from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ to replace your skewed view of confidence w/ knowledge about your employees. | #LeadMorale #Leadership

Confidence Overconfidence: JOIN People Skills Global Chat May 13th | #PeopleSkills

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

JOIN People Skills global Twitter chat SUN. May 13th 10amEDT Hashtag: #PeopleSkills w/ host Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ to explore confidence overconfidence and the impact on your career and personal relationships. | Learning, Humility, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence.

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Breakthrough Leadership: Prevent Egotism w/ Self-Confidence | #peopleskills

Leaders, how do you know that your self-confidence – positive force – is not egotism, a stifling force? True self-confidence prevents egotism in these ways and fuels true humility!

People Skills Chat 9/1/13: Fake It ‘Til You Make It? #peopleskills

People Skills Global Chat Logo

Join people skills Twitter chat this Sun. Sept. 1, 2013 10am ET to discuss the old saying Fake It ‘Til You Make It. Can you do that and still be authentic? Host: Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™ w/ this week’s co-host Lalita Raman (@rlalita).

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When Are We Too Confident to Learn?

Confidence makes many feel secure, safe, and grounded. Yet learning requires an awareness of what we don’t know. With it comes a confidence hiccup. Some can handle that and embrace learning. Others are terrified by it and shun learning. When are we too confident to learn? Read more …